Friday, August 03, 2007

Mr Hill - The Darkest Hour (2007)

Right off the bat, I swiped this from one of my favourite blogs, so props where props is due.

It's Mr. Hill of the mighty Oldominion collective, representing the upper left with an armful of beats. Niceness. This may be the darkest hour, but it's not for hip-hop. In fact it's looking pretty bright.

Mr Hill - The Darkest Hour (2007)

Mr Hill's Myspace
Mr Hill's Site on

Peace, 9@home


Anonymous said...

Looks like it's quietly and secretly been pulled. Oh well...
The early bird, etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

As the annoying summer dance hit went... Sempre asi... Encima, encima, encima, encima, encima...
Sempre asi... en baju, baju, baju... ;) etc.
(Always like this... up, and up, up, up.
down... and down, down, down...) etc.
Geddit. Now.

Anonymous said...

if you want it, get it from here:
and peep the rest of the stuff there. nice blog.

Viagra Online said...

Amazingly good music, great album and performer, thanks for sharing this one.

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