Wednesday, August 01, 2007

UPDATE: RE-UP: Beatmakin Troopa + Other Global Goods

Word, what's up Fam?? FINALLY got all this Shit online to share... I just recently moved and have been fuckin with Wireless Internet for the last few weeks, and I guess my spot isn't blowin up enough or somethin with the Wireless because my shit is all over the place, sometimes Full Connection, sometimes nothin, and I got all those Stations Boostin more Signal and it don't do shit... So, I'm over it, tryin to get some new shit happenin with the DSL Crack. ANYWAY... Wanted to make this Post on some Global Shit since the Troopa is from Iceland, I thought I'd get other Artists from other Countries also, so to start it off we got this here Beatmakin Troopa Re-Up for y'all, so enjoy this once again:

Just got turned onto this fool like 2 Weeks ago and his shit is DOPE. He's straight out of Iceland, so that got me interested right there. Real Laid Back shit, definitely on par with Pelican City & Leaf & The Nothing. I'm sure everybody will be down with this Bless. I couldn't find his shit ANYWHERE except for this Iceland Music page that is similar to the iTunes Store, you can buy individual tracks and whatnot, so I went ahead and bought both of the albums available on there for about $5.50, so I would say that if anybody is feeling generous after listening to his stuff, to visit his MySpace and you can reference the Iceland Music Page from there and buy the albums... $5.50 to help out an ILL Producer shouldn't hurt the Pocketbook too much, but I'll leave that up to y'all. Enjoy This Shit People.

Beatmakin Troopa - Peaceful Thinking & Surprise Visit EP - ICELAND

Peaceful Thinking:

1. 23 Skidoo
2. Between You and Me
3. City Rythm
4. Dream Clock
5. Everything Must Change
6. Forms Of Life
7. Grass Still Grows
8. Mommy, Where Is My
9. Paris 81
10. Peaceful Thinking

Surprise Visit EP

1. I Can't Find You
2. Lost Toy Found

OH, by the way, the Surprise Visit EP is actually 4 Tracks, but I didn't have enough credit to purchase the other 2 tracks from the Music Page, so if anybody feels the urge to buy the remaining 2 tracks, let us all know and I'll add them to this post. PEACE.

Next up we got some Shit from this Fool Nomak. Now, Honestly, I don't know SHIT about this. Came across this on Boss's Blog a while back and been Jammin' it for a while. Pretty sure He's Japanese, judging by his site::

But this whole disc is real smooth... Some Symphonic Shit here, real nice Melodies with Layered Beats. I'm pretty sure this Disc was just a Free MP3 Download Album, but it's Dope & I HIGHLY Recommend it, key tracks are definately "In The Dope" & "Blessing Of Music" (Although, All Tracks Are Dope).

(Not Actual Cover Art)

Nomak - Combine - JAPAN

1. Benevolent Smile
2. Sequence Of The Seasons
3. Bashful
4. Doze Off
5. In The Dope
6. Restriction
7. It Keeps Shining
8. Crescent
9. Blessing Of Music
10. Rebirth
11. Sound (No Title)
12. Stimulation
13. After Peace
14. Samurai Attack
15. Sound Of Soul
16. Ultimate Eternity
17. Rokkasho (Nomak Remix)

WORD. Next up we got this Duo from Belgium who call themselves 40 Winks... DO NOT SLEEP on this, I'm just going to say that it is Highly Ill and you will not be disappointed...

40 Winks - Sound Puzzle - BELGIUM

1. New Day (Introlude)
2. Sketch
3. Progress
4. Welcome To Paradise Island (Interlude)
5. For The Traveller
6. Egyptian Love Poems
7. It's Here
8. You (Interlude)
9. I Bring You Dreams
10. Divine Intervention (Interlude)
11. Planet Anvers
12. Picture This
13. Soulful Sensitivity
14. Mind Lost (Interlude)
15. One Button
16. Old Train
17. Way Past Bedtime (Outro)
18. Melancholia (Bonus)

Alright, last but not least is this Homeboy, Kixnare, from Poland... Don't be Fooled, this guy drops BANGERS!! I'm Serious, some REAL HOT SHIT right here... I'd say it sounds like a Combo between Panik from Molemen, and Pete Rock... That's the first thing to come to mind. REAL DOPE. Don't sleep on this shit...

Kixnare - Instrumentals - POLAND

1. Bangladesz
2. Bluestrain
3. Deltaman
4. Ebony
5. Gods Home
6. Inside
7. Kix Jazz Pt.1
8. Kix Jazz Pt.2
9. Kix Theme
10. Libras Dream
11. Manzanita
12. Margie
13. Nat
14. Natural High
15. Source
16. Travelling Man
17. Tymy
18. War Zone
19. Winter

ALRIGHT. Yeah, that's a Batch of Goods that should last everybody for a Bit until my next Post... I planned on doing some other stuff similar sounding to these posts, but I think I'll wait until I get all those Ebay Instrumentals I had in the C-Box and do a Golden Era Post: Buckwild/Beatminerz/Godfather Don & Dj Premier, so get ready for that BLESS. In the meantime, somebody should do a Low In The Sky post, they have a new album that just leaked called "We're all Counting on you William" and their first album "Dear Birds" is dope as Hell, both albums are Dope... If fo one gets around to upping those, I'lkl do it after the Golden Era Post... PEACE FAM. Enjoy This Shit...


Anonymous said...

man you are ridiculous
big big ups for this

djespionage said...

40 winks is the new blockhead? that shit is crazy, nice up

nawledge said...

Seriously... That Sound Puzzle piece sounds alot like Music By Cavelight... Super Dope stuff, can't wait to hear more from the Team. Peace...

kartman19 said...

beatmakin troopa and 40 winks are some real quality stuff, props!!
:O @ kixnare! the guy is a monster!!!! VIVA POLSKA!

i'm downloading the nomak stuff atm.. i'm sure you won't disappoint me

big up for your blog
peace from Greece

Unknown said...

kixnare!! knew this dude from soundclick

Unknown said...

check out other beats from mighty KIXNARE

Illusion said...

The Nomak and 40 Winks are simply amazing...

zakeus said...

thanks for re-up on beatmakin troopa

Anonymous said...

"Next up we got this Duo from Belgium who call themselves 40 Winks... DO NOT SLEEP on this,"

no pun intended? hahah

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, quality post, quality music. nomak and 40 winks.

Anonymous said...

why do all do files on Zshare not excist? not good :(

Generic Viagra said...

Excellent records, the 40 winks just blew my mind, what a great sound and the rhythm is great.

Anonymous said...

the kixsnare doesnt appear to be for sale anywhere. Its not even on discogs

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