Thursday, December 20, 2007

Fredwreck - Instrumentals

Str8 Link Jack: Pass

Fredwreck - Instrumentals

No Tracklisting


Unknown said...

props on the Fredwreck instrumentals. I have loved his production with the B.U.M.S. and that Ras Kass, Ahmad, and Saafir "Come Wit It"


EricSepulveda said...

This shits dope. Thanks man.

southernhospitality said...

very underated producer - thanks for these!!

austin said...

in my humble opinion, this stuff is mediocre - borderline boring. repetitive and predictive - but solid production nonetheless.

Viagra Online said...

I love the Istrumentals rhythms because I can feel so relax in my bed, so I use to listen this music with my ipod in my free time... excellent link DD22.

mvk said...

anyone can re-upload this shit please?

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