Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nicolay - Time:Line

Beats from his collaborative project with Houston-bred rapper Kay. Get 'em...sorry for posting NY's Finest earlier, I didn't realize that had posted already.
1. Time:Line
2. Blizzard
3. Lights
4. Through The Wind
5. What We Live
6. I've Seen Rivers
7. Tight Eyes
8. As The Wheel Turns
9. Gunshot
10. Grand Theft Auto
11. When You Die
12. Dancing with the Stars




RobSteady said...

plase re up @ megaupload! max file size is 250mb...

Seven Leaf said...

What is wrong with the cover?

zakeus said...

I have two instrumental albums you might be interested in. They are both Motion Man albums, will you post them in a blog? or how do I contribute. Thanks

Nicolas Karps said...

Hey Man, look for song "Teletaxia" from "Realistic Crew" it´s FUCKING DOPE!

Anonymous said...

@zakius - upload them on a host, and post them either in a comment here or in the chat box on the left...we'll hopefully see it, and make it a post for you (assuming it's good)

santoscrew said...

tight man! the nicolay and kay one

zakeus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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