Thursday, September 25, 2008


Props to aztec, who just introduced me to this Australian production crew:

Hermitude are generally into mellow, layered beats....On the nature tip, they mix their smooth beats up in the Blue Mountains. I thought that was some kind of gimmick, but I've read a few interviews, and it seems they really do spend a lot of time away from the city out in the bush mixing up some niceness. They are on the Elefant Traks label, an aussie indy label that supports a lot of good hiphop and instrumental stuff.

I've listened to most of this, and it's highly recommended. It's layered and polished (with a lot of darker jazz influences) in a way I can only really compare to Bonobo, but with a diverse range of instrumentation (check "Nightfall's Messenger" off Tales of the Drift). Links to their first two releases are below; I checked Hermitude's myspace page, and it looks like their third release is on its way.

If anyone has a rip of their 2002 release "Imaginary Friends", please always, support the artist (check the myspace link) if you're feeling it.


Anonymous said...

No worries, mate. Glad to give something back to this site, hope you guys enjoy the beats. And thanks for the note to support the artists. Australian producers are definitely NOT rolling around in mad bling.

-peace from the land of OZ.

hillydilly said...

There is also a Ep from last year "Rare Sightings" its also dope
check a track out from it here:

Anonymous said...

The Rare Sightings EP:

Anonymous said...

Hermitude is pretty dope... half of the tracks on the first album are chilll

djespionage said...

thanks again aztec, good look

Anonymous said...

Thanks for "Alleys to Valleys" :] I didn't know about that one. There's also another album called "Threads"

Hermitude - "Threads":

Anonymous said...

Sweet! im from AUS, i think they are releaseing some of th ebest stuff in the world at the moment. IM glad word is spreading.

Anonymous said...

thank you aztec and miss clam for the links. been hitting these albums for the last couple of days, and am totally loving the herm.

Anonymous said...

Dope shit this is all I can say!

Ronin said...

Dude "Nightfalls Messenger"

Pure Dopeness.

Wozz said...

Hermitude - Imaginary Friends EP

Unknown said...

any re-ups on these? and any other aussie beats going?

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