Friday, September 05, 2008

Phaseone - Mad Weight

48 Instrumentals
Props to the person that dropped this in the c-box!


Subtle said...

Sick beattape. real quality shit.

Trystesire said...

Very good tape! Phaseone is the next Prince Paul coming lol

Anonymous said...

I don't like how some of these guys cut their tracks off after less than a minute.

I know they're probably paranoid people are gonna steal their shit, rhyme over it and release it without giving credit. But...half these beats are abstract joints that couldn't be rocked by most emcees anyway. If they're that worried, tag the beats with something that doesn't kill the flow of things.

But I hate getting into a groove with a beat, nodding along to it only to have it cut off 15 seconds later.

Viagra Online said...

I hadn't heard this one before, I'm amaze on how good this sounds. s7v7

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