Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dert - Talk Strange (A Beat Tape Inspired by Björk)

"The new beat tape from Los Angeles-based producer Dert. TALK STRANGE features 17 tracks sampling original tunes and remixes by the legendary Icelandic singer Bjork. Just like the Dert Floyd: Westside of the Moon project, TALK STRANGE takes artist-themed beat tapes to another level providing amazing instrumentals to practice your rhymes over or just sit back and enjoy.

Future 2009 releases from Dert include: the synth-driven CMYK EP this spring and DOWNTOWN HEADNOD SUITE, an all piano beat album featuring Blue Note recording artist Robert Glasper."

I am lovin every single track on here! My personal favorite is Track 11 - Dark Currents. Check it out and enjoy!!!!!!

Re-up to Dert's West Side Of The Moon! If you dont already have it check it out.

Dert Floyd West Side Of The Moon


Anonymous said...

inspired by bjork eh!..
Sounds pretty weird...

Anonymous said...

Inspired by Bjork, maybe .
Sounds like garbage, definitely .

Someone with to much time on their hands, stumbles blindly up an alley & returns smelling of cack .

Anonymous said...

thanks boogie.

lulz im beginning to think the anonymous hatas on this site are just hating for a big joke. they are gonna take off their mask when the clock stricks 12-01 and reveal that they are actually one of the known and loved members of teh SB community.

i think.

Eric Spivak said...

you've got too much faith, they are just degenerate derelicts who have nothing better to do with their time but talk shit.

So they are banned from the cbox, and soon from posting comments.

nosleep333 said...

The best way to deal with over-angry, obnoxious, cock-sucking, nut-less, brain-less and under-stimulated pieces of shit is to ignore them. Shit, I just gave them all way too much as it is.

Anonymous said...

I love that Dert stuff. Fuck haters! You're doing a great job with your blog, dude.

#PraverbForever! said...

Dert is that dude...

Anonymous said...

I thought the bjork album was OK, but I also checked up on Dert's Pink Floyd project which is serious business.That sort of music is right up my alley. Props for the recommendation.

Anonymous said...

Like the guy above, I searched out the dert floyd tape you mentioned, and I'm really enjoying it, thanks

Anonymous said...

you big headed retards, you pay to much attention to idiots and in doing so become an idiot your self.

when you learn that lesson the class will be over.

-your blogging nemesis i guess

1. banning every annoymous from commenting just because a few funny/bad apples, means your an idiot.

2. one day you will accept others opinions weather you agree or not, and finally learn to let it roll of your shoulder.

3. from the past posts boogie has made, mostly wack, i can only assume this is just as wack.

4. fuck 4

5. you gotta admit to your self, you care entirely to much about obsolete things. get over it.

Anonymous said...

i actually agree. with the person above me. the only thing i can add is, don't dedicate anymore of your time to responding with logic to a bunch obsessed idiots. let alone moderate them. do something more constructive with you life besides being a lesson for what other should not do.

Boogie said...


You are the only one that seems to have an issue with the material I post. Why do you even bother posting comments? You are the one that needs to find something better to do :-) Oh and by the way this is for you

Anonymous said...

thanks for this man

now we need a reup of that dert pink floyd shit

good looks man

Anonymous said...

boogie man, stop being such a faggot and crying every time some one says they don't like something you post. what is wrong with you?

learn to take an honest opinion and not be such a bitch about it.

Boogie said...


See thats what I mean! Yeah, your entitled to an opinion no matter how stupid or absurd it is. But once you start insulting people and calling them names etc... A line has got to be drawn. How old are you? Get a a life!!!! You have nothing constructive to say?? You probbaly way older than me but sound like your a little 12 year old girl causing drama and ish!!!! LMAO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

again i agree with anon "boogie man, stop being such a faggot"

it's not very becoming of you to put any energy in some so called 12 year girl unless of course you're a moron and a perv.

it's just the internet and an opinion, when you decide to grow up past all this then you may become wiser, until then your just some strangers bitch that you always let get your goat.

last tip, stop failing, it's sad.

Boogie said...


Anonymous said...

To the other person posting as anonymous

You are a faggot, eat all the dicks

you aren't allowed to say anything back to me though, because that's just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Man, the level of stupidity and disrespect on this blog is out of this world. I am really surprised that DJ Espionage has not stepped in and done something about this. Boogie, dont pay any attention to the smart mouth idiots that hate on you and this blog. You and your fellow contributors are doing a great job. This is the number one instrumental/hip hop blog on the net hands down and for all these clowns to come on here and talk all that garbage is really sad. Like Boogie said some of you guys really do act like a bunch of teenage girls gossiping and causing trouble hiding behind the computer. I could understand if the comments were directed at the artist and his/her methods of production or choice of samples for example. Discussions of that nature would be great. Everyone could benefit from that. Instead all of those sissy ass Anonymous posters making those dumb ass comments. I am sure that the Strictly Beats CSI is on the case and hopefully put an end to all this BS. @the Strictly Beats contributors, you guys should seriously consider getting rid of the C-Box and Comment capability. Put an end to all these "Bitch Ass Haters". The enviroment around here is not a healthy one with all these haters. I take this to heart because I absolutely love this site and wouldnt want you guys to stop contributing because of a bunch of self centered worthless,useless pieces of you know what :-) Just my two cents!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hey fucking idiot, you don't waste your time doing anything about people being free dumb ass.

this isn't some place to look at comments, it's a beat blog, that is all that is important to the contributors. (except for the idiots)

so all this faggotry that has you obsessing over some strangers comment is YOUR problem. get over it faggot;)

CSI?... jesus christ, get a life that doesn't shout so loud that you are a loser.

lesson plan again, show that focusing on unimportant things makes you a loser. learn that and you will stop responding to the snide comment that you disagree with. and in doing so you will have a richer life.

some of you i still feel sorry for because your ego won't let you stop obsessing over little if not insignificant things, others of you i actually know and your just being tar babied idiots.

Anonymous said...

dert is amazing, one of the most underrated beatmakers! "the seattle sitiuation" and "dark side of the moon" are fantastic and "talk strange" is his best piece!

Anonymous said...

LOL healthy? this is a free society, you don't go to the internet for your health, certainly not a beat blogger. if you do then your a loser.

stop being such idiots. wow!

Anonymous said...

for the morons that haven't figured it out yet, not nosleep clearly.

IGNORE the comments, or continue to lose.

Anonymous said...

personally i enjoy watching people like boogie and espiv turn into faggots and squirm in their gigantic egos, i know that's sick but hey, you gotta get your kicks somehow. and this way at least they have a chance of learning what not to do.

Anonymous said...

i like bjork. downloading now...

Dj Bonezelli said...

yall waisten a whole blog on a producer to talk about dumb shit instead of the music itself..
everyone is entitled to there opinions whether positive or negative.. some like the music, some dont, thats just the way it is... anywho

This Dert theme album is creative and dope. the more you listen to it the better it gets. Dert is an underrated producer with tons of potential. if you dont believe it check out "The Shortlist". Not an artist based album like pink floyd or bjork, but his own inspiration....amazing.

peace. happy new year

Anonymous said...

so yeah. you can't deny good music, you just can't. i've been listening to talk strange and it's brilllliant.

Anonymous said...

i tracked whos been posting these comments, and the out come is sad and hilarious all at the same time.

Halftime* said...

the covers are more impressive then the music

Anonymous said...

Those were great. Thanks a lot!

Eric Spivak said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

wow, niggas need to chillax.

Eric Spivak said...

each response is fuel to the fire

Joy Madison said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

a) i have plenty of taste to go around. so when i say "so far, talk strange is dope" then it is.

b) knowing dert it's probably him dissing it at least 70% of the time.


Anonymous said...

Dam, this beat tape is pure fire!!! DERT is definately underrated.

I feel sorry for strictlybeats though! You guys have a ton of effeminate haters visiting this blog. LOL,LMAO!!!!!! Its all good. You guys keep doing what you all are doing. Its all about the beats!!!!

Levi B. Watson said...

very excellent

Anonymous said...

yo how do you get in contact with this producer????

Jay Smart said...

You guys have provided some of the best beat tapes I've heard in a long time. This one is amongst the elite. "It's oh so loud", Dert, are you fucking shitting me? That beat alone trumps plenty a radio/video fuckery. Keep on doing what you're doing. The haters need therapy... and pussy. Don't mean to objectify, but be real.

Prince Vannie said...

Got a beat from this tape on here, i really want to get in contact with thee producers, so downlaod thee tape & peep it, it's dooope i promosie ya. N hit me on myspace,

Dark Matter said...

That Talk Strange is interesting. Not something I'd keep in rotation but I was definitely impressed, something different about it. Maybe it's because I used to have a crush on Bjork.....or because "Dert Is Full Of Love" is fuckin hot....I dunno man

Adrian Moczyński said...

Great article.

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