Friday, February 06, 2009

Esoteric - Serve or Suffer (2008)

Esoteric of 7L and Esoteric fame brings an all-instrumental album inspired by the comic superheroes of legendary Jack Kirby and the like. We all knew Esoterrible had a way of ripping the mic to shreds, but on here, he shows a different side of himself. Quite a large variety of beats and atmospheres. Not necessarily beats for battle rhymes but of the more experimental and playful kind with a healthy dose of vocal snippets thrown in. Well-rounded, entertaining and great music to surf the net to. ;)

My favourite is probably "1989" which is packed with samples and soundbites of the time.

01. Yellow Beat 1:31
02. Shay’s Rebellion 3:26
03. Shalla Bal 1:56
04. Moogie Howser, MC 2:55
05. 1989 3:24
06. Whole House Freeze 3:18
07. Hal Jordan 1:47
08. Swords To A Fistfight 3:30
09. Let The Leo Out 2:35
10. Steve Rogers 2:02
11. Silence Is Golden 2:16
12. Swing It Baby 3:12
13. Goblin’s Horse Tranquilizer 1:33
14. Hero’s Plight 2:19
15. Hot Punk 3:24
16. Galactus Trilogy 2:48
17. Vermont For Nothing 3:26
18. Basement Bw Comics 2:35
19. Go Ask Malice 1:36
20. Time Is Running Out 1:51
21. One Day As A Ryan 10.04.08 1:16
22. Milk, Milk 2:03
23. Boba Fett Thrills Me Still 1:44

Esoteric - Serve or Suffer (2008)



Anonymous said...

Make the next drop one that is nice for battle rhymes ;)

Anonymous said...

At once, sir... ;)

Anonymous said...

yo if its dope its dope aight one

r4w i would battle u just for being like that man i aint feelin that shit keep it real lets battle

lemme know

aight 1

Anonymous said...

my god something i would actually go out and buy $$$$$$ !!!!

check the Cesar millan diss

later doggie.

Anonymous said...

this shit bumps

Anonymous said...

¡dang this is nice!

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