Monday, May 18, 2009

and the winner is: the goodwill projects

so last month i(grand prize is shared because LB decided we both deserved it, so i share the CROWN with 'dj ERB') won the "lyrics born remix contest"(winner' chosen by LB himself).. ... :/

click here to listen

click here to read details about the final results for contest

part of the grand prize is having your(my) track immortalized on LB' next mixtape "variety show: season #4" coming out soon, so check it out when it comes out.

and this month i bring you some stuff outside most of your boxes, and some dope shit that for some reason has never been posted here.. etc

click here for: justice-genesis-instrumental

click here for:justice-waters_of_nazareth-instrumental

click here for: aim-e whine-casa: back2bLack-instrumentals (if i don't spell it phonetically/synonym-change the link and or whole post will get taken down)

click here for: headnodic-beats-vol. 1 (so if you don't know who "headnodic" is by now then you maybe sleeping under a rock..)

click here for: Arctic_Monkeys_-_Favourite_Worst_Nightmare__Instrumentals

click here for: muse-absolution-instrumentals

lastly i want to share with you... a plethora of old 45' archived into digital format...instrumentals..i'm sure this will spread like wild fire after this.. there will even be people that end up posting all 50 or so separate compilations HERE(eventually) as if...welp leeches need food too.

so i'm just gonna cut to the chase and open up most of your instrumental worlds with these digital audible bombs click here for: some of the dopest beats you just don't have nor did you knew exist


D NTZ said...

thanks for the "vino casa" and for the heads up on that 45 blog... Crucial stuff.

Anonymous said...

yo! thats whats up man! double congrats! this knowledge made my day. peace.

eric said...

i do a weekly mixtape of beats and instrumentals, i would love to post it here. get at me if your interested.. beats from all over the world.. i have posted the first 4 at but feel it would be better here.

eric said...

man i just attemptd to down load every instrumental off of the accapela site... out like 100 5 of the links still worked... that was sure a tease. i paint, i listen to beats while I paint, for a second there i thought i was set for months, but i guess not. thanks anyway though.

Anonymous said...

mmm post a link to the ones you want re-upped and i'll see what i can do, i was actually going to hit you up about posting your instrumental mixtape each week at acapellarchives if you wanted. i could post it here, but i'd rather only post it one place. one of the guys that used to post a lot of beats at acapellarchives has some problems with a computer/hard drive... but if i got what you were looking for i'll re-up it at AA. sorry that what you tried to download was dead, i know that is annoying/dissapointing.
hit me up in here with your email if you wanna have me post the mixtape at AA, or if you'd rather have it here i can do that. but i rather have it at AA because this place gets plenty of instrumentals and the main few people that post instrumentals at AA have been on hiatus.

Anonymous said...

i went ahead and deleted the link to AA so no one else has to go through the frustration of dead links to instrumentals.


DJ Critical Hype said...

Props to GOODWILL!
Dope beat man

eric said... i am down to put the weekly mixtape up on AA for sure man. thanks. it is a good way for folks to learn of producers i think. hit me up..
congrats too.. word.

eric said...

man, i tried to DL everyone of them, haha.. i paint, and listen to instrumental all day and night.. so i really want to listen to tons of instrumentals.. i pick out the ones i like and put them on the mixtapes.. so i guess if you re-up a bunch of the instrumentals let me know cuz i can never have enough. thanks again man, i love this site and AA.

Ares Vista said...

Congratulations on all of that! Keep up the good work, and keep us posted. By the way some of your links are still not working.

KIM JONES said...


Schyler said...

Congratulations! That remix is nice and I love your blog.

DEEZ_NUTTZ said...

Boogie,Andrew and Nawledge are the best contributors on this blog in my honest opinion. I usually enjoy pretty much anything they post. I can understand why the contributors dont post everyday for example. Nevertheless, I really appreciate this blog despite all of the crap all the haters say.

D NTZ said...

hey, only one DNTZ at a time, please

Anonymous said...

So, first things first - great blog, love it, use it all the time. But..."Rockin' Robin"??? That beat was horrible (no disrespect intended) - I'm just aghast that that is what LB went with.

All that aside - congrats on winning.

Anonymous said...

"The Goodwill Project mash-up was just f^ckin' clever. They combined The Jackson 5 "Rockin' Robin" with the A Capella of FHR. I would've never thought of this in a million years. It fit like a glove, with tempo, drop-outs, turn-arounds, guitar solo, changes, and all. I also liked this one because it clearly didn't take itself that seriously and I found myself smiling the whole while. Congrats homie. " -lyrics born

that might help you un-aghast your self.

simply the beat did fit the acapella very well. and it gives off a happy vibe, ya can't expect to please everyone all the time. it does say a lot about a track for a mash-up to beat out remixes in a contest. i have to agree with one part though, congratulations.

here's my opinion on the rockin robin beat= great melodies, great flutes/whistling) great live drums/bass. great guitar solo, to hear it with out micheal and them is very interesting and shows how the instrumental can stand on it's own.

there are plenty of songs i love that my friends hate and ones that i hate that my friends love etc. if the contest was judged by anyone else besides Lyrics Born then it would most likely come out different. but that's not the case. a lot of contests/championships are won by the underdog etc. so really, i'm not surprise, and the track ended up being very very solid.


good said...

lakers lose. good game though. you win some you lose some, thanks for the support and critique;) and your welcome@D and dreddy, those 45's are great!

Anonymous said...

competent - I don't disagree with anything you said...but looping up a J5 song is hardly the height of production acumen. Like I said, not hating, no disrespect intended, but there's very little creativity there, and to my ears, the beat just robs the acapella of everything it had going for it.

But to each his own.

good said...

indeed, to each their own. peaceeeee

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