Monday, June 08, 2009

Dj Morpheus - Jazzy/HipHop/Middle Eastern Mashup - THE BLACK GYPSY

Alright this is going to be a really short post. Got put on to this dude that goes by Dj Morpheus through my boy Grips! This dudes music is pure fire in my opinion. Will post more of his music once he hooks it up with more tracks!

Download - THE BLACK GYPSY here!

You can find out more about Dj Morpheus here

Check out more of the youtube vids here

You can purcase some of his older joints here


Destra_47 said...

This kind of reminds me of the stuff that Blue Sky Black Death puts out but with a different twist. The production is also not as refined as BSBD stuff. This guy is really talented none the less. Does he have a myspace? Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy listening to different stuff. What movie is the clip from? You should post his other video with all those find ass woman in it :-)

Pinoy said...

Good stuff!!!


Charlie Brown said...

Like this very much.

Dida said...

@ Destra_47,

The clip is from the move "The Fountain".

@ Boogie, This track is really nice. Dam!! Looking forward to hearing more from this guy.

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