Saturday, August 22, 2009

Vlooper - Neon Blaster Venus



Anonymous said...

This one is dopeness!

damn__thanks for the post


Anonymous said...

Oustanding SHIITT!!!

Who the heck is this Vlooper?
ASs kicker


Anonymous said...

Dope shit

Anonymous said...


don't sleep on this one...

buddha665 said...

so proper !

Anonymous said...

One of my favs!!

Thanks for the post

Anonymous said...

Some dope shit... Not sure if Vlooper peeps this blog or not, but if you're reading this, I think you could experiment with different compression on the drums a bit. Sounds like the drums have the same compression throughout most of the tracks. I like to bump shit on my preamped sennheisers and it wears my ears down a bit- like i swam too deep in the water, and the pressure muffles my eardrums. It does sound better on a normal system though, so take that with a grain of salt...

Anonymous said...

sjeeeeeeeeeeeeeesz szis sztil remains op top of szings....

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