Monday, March 29, 2010




Bluntmosphere -


Anonymous said...

Sounds like J Dilla right? I don't know. I have this assumption that every upcoming beat maker wants to be a J Dilla and not something original. I have a reason for this because it's usually true. Prove me wrong for once you beat making MF's, do something interesting. :X

Anonymous said...

With that said can we get a categorization going like "this sounds like ____", that would def ease nitpickers like me.

Jason G said...

while i agree with your overall point, anonymous #1, this sounds NOTHING like j dilla. no disrespect to mr. bluntmosphere, but that's giving him WAY too much credit.

Anonymous said...

Why are people so damn negative and critical. WERE ALL BITERS. Mothing is orogianl anymore

Anonymous said...

how does he sound like dilla any more than kev brown, black milk or anyone else doing soulful boom bap hip hop? everyone sounds like someone else, if you check dilla's early beats he was trying very hard to be pete rock. people give dilla too much and too little credit these days. said...

Pretty effective material, much thanks for your article.

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