Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Vlooper ++ Neon water planet

Vlooper sends us his new beattape,I dont think this guy needs a introduction.

This is what he said about his new tape:
"Water planet is a collection of water samples gathered from Motherland. Therefore, you might want to hydrate yourself adequately before listening to those vibrations that have been merged together at very high altitude"

download 1
download 2

TOUT'NOU all day


Anonymous said...

Dope dope dope

Thank you

Anonymous said...

every shit from this dude is bangin crazy - don't sleep on it!

Anonymous said...

It's playing in loop

thanks for the post

Anonymous said...

This Made my week


Eric Spivak said...

Should check out Kenlo too if you like Vlooper.

Jason said...

i don't get it. once again another unoriginal flylo rip-off. were these comments by the artist or...?

Anonymous said...

yeah everything is rip-off anyway_
Jay dee... is the riped-off

still good though

Anonymous said...

nice i like this guy

Anonymous said...

fresh !

niz91 said...

blaster !!!

sex shop said...

Very worthwhile piece of writing, thank you for the post.

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