Wednesday, April 07, 2010

InfinitiRock - 17 years

Check out this 40 tracks long beattape by infinitirock, I know 40 tracks is a bit much for a tape but click on the bandcamp url and check out track : 02 - 15 - 34 - 36 or find one you like , enough choices.....

Bandcamp download


Anonymous said...

40 tracks is a little too much, I enjoyed some of the vibes on this album, but this could have easily been 3 beat tapes. Overall there were some wonky, plastic, boom bap, electronic tunes interlaced on this one, that left trails of prefuse 73, dimlite, Dilla, and Rustie. Vibe worthy nevertheless.

Anonymous said...

very impressed. especially coming from a 17 (now 18) year old kid.

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