Friday, May 21, 2010


As much as I hate bandcamp pages. . . This guy deserves your attention. (not to mention his flip of summer madness is pretty

"So, why is it the last one? Well, I often find it difficult to explain what exactly I felt that made me come to the decision to make this my last beat tape. I began producing a little under a year ago and for the most part had fun with it. The problem was...I stopped making them for the love and started making them to be seen. This affected my actual output, which in turn made me less and less happy with the outcome. After going back to my roots as a DJ for a wedding I remembered what truly made me happy as an artist: moving the crowd. So it was somewhat of a simple decision after that: either go with what I liked, or go with what I love. I hope no artist EVER has to make that decision. "


Chase March said...

Thanks for sharing this. I returned the favour by sharing it on Twitter. Hopefully that sends some people your way.

Justin Boland said...

Why do you hate Bandcamp? I think it's the best system for music online yet, BUT, I don't want to argue so much as I'm just geniunely curious about what you DON'T like about it.

Eric Spivak said...

Only thing about bandcamp that's bad honestly is there is no volume control, it's not that I 'hate" bandcamp, their embed feature is a little buggy and slows down the blog, that's all - A few weeks ago it was really bad, where you'd have to wait 10minutes for the page to load. They'll fix out the kinks.

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