Monday, July 19, 2010

KenLo Craqnuques - Brun

<a href="">102_(103.6fm) by KenLo Craqnuques</a>


Anonymous said...

When I saw who posted this, not to mention the cat on the cover with the Brooklyn jersey, I have to admit, I was expecting this to be a pure banger. But sadly, I can't ride with the BOOGIE man on this one.

Maybe 3 short solid tracks. Four at best. The rest is left-field experimentation without a want to even sound appealing.

Although the funk, the groove and the soul is trying to jump out in there somewhere, it never really surfaces.

This release can best be described as sound sampling "sampling." Better yet, circus beats. Overall not good.

Anonymous said...

Put on some good headphones and listen to track #2 and track #3 from the previously posted "Floyd The Locsmif - Divine Dezignz #2: Soul, etc​.​.​."

...after that listen to track #8 and track #13 (which is just an interlude) for the previously posted "Freddie Joachim - Midway"

Finished listening? Cool. I would put any one of those tracks up against this entire release. Regardless of genre comparison excuses, if it's good, it's good.

Although BOOGIE was just trying to enlighten us with more flavor, even he can't outdo himself. The previous releases he posted are more than solid, they are INCREDIBLE. I'm good with that!!!

Anonymous said...

So dope I just don't understand the comments above...

Anonymous said...

I tried honestly to just let this play without skippin thru it....Like the first response mentioned, the sound was coming from deep left-field. I like progressive sound but sometimes what a producer(kenlo) may be feeling in the moment of creation sounds dope, may sound like confusion to others ears.

I'm trying to nod my head to the off kilter beat patterns, but I just can't.

Now that AbJo joint that was posted a couple days prior to this is some other ish, but yet im able to make sense of it. I can hear the direction of his sound. I guess Kenlo is above my head.

phono said...

To the guy saying that those Locsmif beats are better than anything on this album...SERIOUSLY?? Those beats are garbage, and I used to dig Locsmif!! Wow! They sound like they were made 20 years ago. Especially Track #2. It sounds like something youd hear in a car commercial, with that PLAYED OUT drum loop. Some people just don't have taste. That being said, while I like KenLo, I really didn't care much for this album either. Probably my least favorite of his.

There seems to be a lot of people here just not digging the Electro/HipHop/Glitch movement...thats cool. Not everyone is going to like everything. Some people like the same old drum loops and samples. But if you had been listening to Madlib, Dilla, Prefuse73, El-P, Flying Lotus and others like them, for the past ten years, then your ears would have been ready for this movement.

It took me a while to get into the new electro sound myself. I wanted everything raw and dusty. Boom bap...headnodders.. But after hearing guys like MNDSG ( DEVONWHO ( and guys like Flylo, Samiyam, Knxwledge, Shlohmo, Elan ( plus a little weed...I would never go back to that tired old sound. That's not to say that I don't enjoy the rawness still, cause I do and plenty of the "new" style shit is RAW. Maybe some of you just aren't hearing the right stuff. Remember that most of the stuff on this site is made by amateur beatmakers. So you can't really judge the genre. For those stuck in the same old break/sample past, like I was, check out those links I posted. Maybe they can help you along a little. And to quote DOOM, "you need to smoke more, brethren."

Anonymous said...

To the guy above. That's just it. The "GLITCH" sound suck and it is really for meth and weed heads. Why can't it come across tight without the chemical or smoke enhancement addage.

The glitch era came about because of technology and the overload of sounds that no one really wanted to use, except bored to death beat makers with no real crate diggin skills or real sense of authentic hip hop.

Although "glitch" falls under the electronica genre, it leaves any person who is really seeking to sought out the real electronica movement confused and wanting to stay away from it altogether. Why? BECAUSE GLITCH IS WACK!!!

ps. I love electronica like I love vintage hip hop all the same. Don't get it it twisted. But if it sounds like crap, it is crap.

Goyang said...

I'm a definite fan of kenlos instros. He got a different authentic sound which many can come to appreciate. everybodies ears are different though

Anonymous said...

there's no hope for the planet. No wonder nothing can really change. I find myself bored by all music since listening to KenLo. His swing is rediculous. Rhythm within rhythm. Don't let the sound turn you off. It's an invitation to see if you can open your mind enough to not limit yourself by preconditioned thinking. Sound familiar in regards to living a progressive life not based on stereotypes? Not everything that sounds weird is good but please investigate your world people. You might be surprised at what you find within yourself. Namaste.

Anonymous said...

this shit sucks!


the average music listener would not vibe this at all

Madlib, Dilla, Prefuse73, El-P, Flying Lotus

these guys can get back on the spaceship they flew in on

except madlib i guess he's the only 1 who can still make a good hip hop beat once inna while

he made some classics and a lot of garbage that nvr saw the light of day

phono said...

To the guy above me (why don't you cowards use names?) you want MASS APPEAL?? Go turn on your radio. Maybe Lady Gaga is more your speed. And no, the average music listener won't like this. That's because the average music listener is an idiot! We like eclectic music here. Or "underground" as it used to be called. And for you to diss Madlib, Dilla, Prefuse73, El-P, Flying Lotus...all pretty much gods in the beat making genre... I don't even know what to say...other than..WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN DOING ON THIS SITE? Are you the same Apollo Brown jocking douchebag? Does everything have to have the same old played out drum loop with a chopped sample over it, for you to consider it dope? Is this stuff not hardcore enough for you? I take it you weren't a fan of the Native Tongue era...or were you not born yet?

You guys are just behind the times. There's nothing being done with samples, that wasn't done 10 years ago. And WHO do YOU listen to? Who's the latest hardcore underground MC that's "rippin rappers to shreds!!", today? Hiphop is finally dead...actually dead. The underground too. Nobody cares about it anymore. And the reason is people like you, who don't want the genre to evolve. It's gotta be break beat+loop, or its not "real" hiphop. Well,that and the fact that rappers have just run out of shit to say. It's all just silly bullshit now.

And to the glitch guy...geez man.. Did glitch fuck your girlfriend or something? RELAX. A lot of todays stuff like SamiYam, CULP, Prefuse, Cupcave, Tuxedo Kamen and others, have glitch elements. But I wouldn't label any of this stuff pure glitch music. I love the mixing of the genres. Glitch gives the beat an even more raw sound. You could even say that some of RZA's early raw shit had glitch elements.

Anyways, all you guys need to open your minds. Believe me, I hated it when everyone started moving away from samples and moved to keyboards to try to sound like Dr Dre's wack ass. That was the beginning of the end for me and hiphop. Then the indie movement hit, and got me right back in. But now im tired of the same old hiphop beats.

You'll be loving this shit like 5-10 years from now. When that time comes, you can all apologize to me. haha

phono said...

To the guy above me (why don't you cowards use names?) you want MASS APPEAL?? Go turn on your radio. Maybe Lady Gaga is more your speed. And no, the average music listener won't like this. That's because the average music listener is an idiot! We like eclectic music here. Or "underground" as it used to be called. And for you to diss Madlib, Dilla, Prefuse73, El-P, Flying Lotus...all pretty much gods in the beat making genre... I don't even know what to say...other than..WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN DOING ON THIS SITE? Are you the same Apollo Brown jocking douchebag? Does everything have to have the same old played out drum loop with a chopped sample over it, for you to consider it dope? Is this stuff not hardcore enough for you? I take it you weren't a fan of the Native Tongue era...or were you not born yet?

You guys are just behind the times. There's nothing being done with samples, that wasn't done 10 years ago. And WHO do YOU listen to? Who's the latest hardcore underground MC that's "rippin rappers to shreds!!", today? Hiphop is finally dead...actually dead. The underground too. Nobody cares about it anymore. And the reason is people like you, who don't want the genre to evolve. It's gotta be break beat+loop, or its not "real" hiphop. Well,that and the fact that rappers have just run out of shit to say. It's all just silly bullshit now.

And to the glitch guy...geez man.. Did glitch fuck your girlfriend or something? RELAX. A lot of todays stuff like SamiYam, CULP, Prefuse, Cupcave, Tuxedo Kamen and others, have glitch elements. But I wouldn't label any of this stuff pure glitch music. I love the mixing of the genres. Glitch gives the beat an even more raw sound. You could even say that some of RZA's early raw shit had glitch elements.

Anyways, all you guys need to open your minds. Believe me, I hated it when everyone started moving away from samples and moved to keyboards to try to sound like Dr Dre's wack ass. That was the beginning of the end for me and hiphop. Then the indie movement hit, and got me right back in. But now im tired of the same old hiphop beats.

You'll be loving this shit like 5-10 years from now. When that time comes, you can all apologize to me. haha

phono said...

Sorry about the double post...

Anonymous said...

@phono: PHONO I'm sorry man, but after your last post, I have to confirm that from here on, you are simply IRRELEVANT!!! You sound like a little stalking pervert on an elementary school playground who got his heart broke after he spent all of his money buying squirrel nuts for the little hooker who didn't have feelings for him.

Dude, pull your skirt up. You don't have be so knucklehead-ish to get your point across with harassing style commentary. Dude, we see. We read. No need for the dramatization.

Now let's talk about your hip hop is dead statement. Even when Nas said that, everyone knows it was meant in the corporate sense although it was later recanted. But real hip hop will never die because as long as real heads like myself want it and are still alive, it will live on. Radio may be dead, but dude don't get so emotionally caught up to the point you start typing that perez hilton ish.

Yeah, when and if GLITCH does evolve in the next 20 years, you're right, more people will start to dig it, but just because you jumped on the nutz (I mean glitch) ahead of many others, don't make your the glitch ambassador. By the way, most real hip hop heads dig mostly every other genre of electronica. Act like you know.

So, I'll end on this note, if you can vibe out, space walk, line dance, booty pop or whatever it is you do with the glitch sound, more power to you bro. But as for myself, if I want to listen to ping, pong, pang, pip, pop, poop, poopidy, pep, plip, plop... I'll break open an old radio shack cassette player and stick my finger inside.

ps. With your last commentary, you have graduated from hater to UNINVITED GUEST. (the pinnacle of haterdom)

Sadatay said...

I dunno...I'm an old schooler, seen and heard a lot of music of all kinds. That said, I can't swing with something if it doesn't have that essential groove. However, I'll give anything new a chance, as it's something different. For me, it didn't get any better than Bomb Squad, as they incorporated all sorts of elements of sound into their compositions and made it all work together somehow...they're timeless in some ways. But I'm not stuck in the past, I just want to see more experimentation. Glitch music and such is going in that direction, drum loops w/samples in another, and that's ok with me. But I feel that there's a sound or sounds in hip hop that remains to be discovered/created. Hip hop's dead only if you want it to be.

Anonymous said...

well said

phono said...

It's just music guys... It's all just taste and opinion. There are people who love country music, that wouldnt claim anything that we listen to as music at all. All Im saying is, keep your minds open, cause you're missing out on some really good sounds. PEACE

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for some new Qwerty Musique. It's OK if you guys don't know who Qwerty Musique is. All this stuff takes a while to learn. It's kinda like calculus...

Anonymous said...

Qwerty Musique is dope as hell

i love the first beat one this KenLo joint which is the only one i had time to listen to so far. I did keep it in my computer though as I am a big fan of KenLo.

I have dug every one of KenLo's tapes and mixes that i could get my hands on.

To contrast, my best bud who i rap with loved the first 2 kenlo tapes but then didnt like the bulles bubbles and rose ones as much. So I guess we can say it is just "to each his own".

I love KenLo music and I will keep checking for him.

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