Wednesday, July 21, 2010

knwledge = skrawberries

<a href="">Kafe by Knxwledge.</a>

Another release from the fun(d)raisrs series.

{this is not a free download = 10$}


Anonymous said...

To the staffer who posted this aka beat-ape1: Are you the same person who who wrote "it reminds me of madlib when he still made good beats?"


NO listens, NO comments for everything you post until you apologize. As an SB contributor, you should have never made such a statement. You don't ever hear people saying stuff like "when Ali use to be able to fight"

The long time supporters of Strictly beats want an apology. Seriously.

Yes, Madlib is just another man, but in an underground industry where he has constantly battled with commercially being duplicated, without merit if I may add, to us he is a GOD.

Apologize if you are a bigger man than your poor judgment of a statement. We did not forget.

Small Pro said...


u cant be serious yo

Anonymous said...

knowledge is dope and so are these beats but unfortunately i dont have the money at this juncture. good looks tho beat ape

Anonymous said...

aweee why u mad doe?

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