Sunday, July 04, 2010

Linus Stubbs - Panoramic

<a href="">Let Me Introduce Myself by Linus Stubbs</a>


Anonymous said...

Yes yes yes! Finally, an album with an east coast sound to it. Have no idea where this dude is from, but finally, a break from these lull-you-to-sleep-with-a-bassline down-tempo-obsessed spaced-out cali stoners.

Anonymous said...

what in the heck is the guy up top talking about? this is clear crap. east coast? please.

Anonymous said...

this beat tape is sweet
i dont much like exactly what he said terrible monotonouse beat tapes that make you want to go to sleep with typical soul and jazz samples ,
these beats you can actualy spit to ,they sound dope as ****

Eric Spivak said...

diggin the "even one day"

Anonymous said...

A must download for dudes who rap & are into hip-hop. If you actually write, this beat tape will suit your tastes moreso than most that are posted on this forum. Insane beats on here. "On the Rise" is *very* nice to spit over.

OTOH, if you just smoke weed and listen to instrumentals all day, go dl some Vlooper.

Anonymous said...

Whats wrong with the cali stoners? LOL

Anonymous said...

This shit was nice, keep it up man.

VA 703

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