Tuesday, July 27, 2010

PK Mao - 'The Brand New' Beat Tape


Anonymous said...

Forward through the different tracks just focusing on the drums. They seem very simplistic and similar on most tracks.

Eric Spivak said...

He's got the right idea, and the sound is really polished, just needs more twists and turns in the road(beat) to really turn some heads. I hear potential.

PK Mao said...

Yeah my attention to detail is still getting there... too much theme and not enough variation thus far. on one hand I like the simplicity of drum breaks, on the other I know I need more nuance in places... but feedback helps, thanks for listening

Anonymous said...

This dude will be amazing once he really studies the beat. Need some heavy bass in there man. Listen to some Kankick or some Fat Jon. Mix in some bass lines like that and there's no stopping this.

Album cover is ill btw

deus_emcee@ said...

this is an awesome idea man, and i agree maybe with a little more detail on small things would have made the difference. I think its dope az though man, i hope you either bring out another album or do a 2.0 version a little cleaner. :D

PK Mao said...

I probably will not spend any more time with this, I prefer to just keep moving forward with new stuff and apply what I've learned there, I've done enough with this. Thanks for the props though, there will be other projects where I can put that critique to use!

aabiva said...

i enjoyed your take on the 'brand new' album and your idea of fusion genre. mhmm! good shit keep up the great chunes. :B

Anonymous said...

very solid. i do agree with most in regards to the 'simplicity' of the album. however, it's not necessarily a bad thing, provided there is enough variation in theme to keep listener attention. fantastic grooves, i look forward to hearing more...

Anonymous said...

seriously, throw some contrasting phat bass lines in here and there and this is gonna do some damage. solid sound.

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