Tuesday, July 20, 2010



you know.


Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy. This is pure INCREDIBLE... sample style!!!

More evidence and another sign that Golden Era 2.0 is upon us. Forget what you heard, obey your ears!!!

One listen to track #17 and you shall be reborn into the style. Your ears shall reawaken.

With love for ALL genres of music... friends of raw hip hop beats, it is time to come back home. We have not be forsaken.

INCREDIBLE to the infinite power!!!

A must download, I repeat A MUST DOWNLOAD.

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy. This is pure INCREDIBLE... sample style!!!

More evidence and another sign that Golden Era 2.0 is upon us. Forget what you heard, obey your ears!!!

One listen to track #17 and you shall be reborn into the style. Your ears shall reawaken.

With love for ALL genres of music... friends of raw hip hop beats, it is time to come back home. We have not been forsaken.

INCREDIBLE to the infinite power!!!

A must download, I repeat A MUST DOWNLOAD.

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy. This is pure INCREDIBLE... sample style!!!

More evidence and another sign that Golden Era 2.0 is upon us. Forget what you heard, obey your ears!!!

One listen to track #17 and you shall be reborn into the style. Your ears shall reawaken.

With love for ALL genres of music... friends of raw hip hop beats, it is time to come back home. We have not be forsaken.

INCREDIBLE to the infinite power!!!

A must download, I repeat A MUST DOWNLOAD.

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