Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ta-ku - SCRAPS



Anonymous said...

Anybody know the name of the sample used on the "Out of My Way" track?

Anonymous said...

Ta-Ku...I know you're capitalizing on your popularity by releasing more music to stay relevant...but these "Scraps" should have stayed in the Recycling Bin. What a waste of time.

Ta-ku said...

Thanks bro! love you too!

Anonymous said...

I'd "love" it if you just answered my question.

Anonymous said...

co-sign the recycle bin comment.

sounds like the audible version of a nike sweatshop.

bad shoes sold quick.
quick beats sound shit.

I assume the beat scene in oz is small if your "popular"

Anonymous said...

if your gona leave a comment like that you should paste a link of your beats,you know so it kinda backs up what your saying,but i guess you faggs aren't man enough or to shy posting your shit.VCO.

MHTPK said...

What fucking bizarro universe do you idiots live in? Scraps is the shit. Can't believe you fools exist. That worries me.

site said...

To my mind everybody have to glance at it.

mamon de mierda said...

I suppose one and all should browse on it.

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