Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Canya Reial - " SPECIAL WEEDZ " VOL​.​3



Anonymous said...

Is there an affiliation with MF? Or is the album art completely ripped off?

Anonymous said...

it seems like a cheap biting of the special herbs albums by mf doom and i declare that his strategy is not very originally, but these guy make really dope beats and is definetly worth the download!!!

Anonymous said...

What does album art have to do with the music?

Anonymous said...

you can impute the artist, that he makes cover art and name similiar to the specieal herbs albums to get more clicks on his own, but in this case it isn´t necessessary because these beats are so dope, no cheap clones. so why he didn´t an own design?

FCheeks said...

It is a tribute to MF Doom and his beat style.

Anonymous said...

alot of the post are similar to what im thinking, but if its a tribute thats different although I dont think it is do to all the album art looking like MF Doom on bandcamp. i though it was him when i first saw the cover. no hate!

mumbojumbo said...

truthfully it's not meant to be any rip off of anything! it was my concept album for university, the art i did myself just thought it tied well with sampling :)

mumbojumbo said...

o sorry i thought these comments were about my album! how vain of me

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you people? They're TRIBUTE albums. It clearly says that on the Vol. 1 & 2 pages for the morons who couldn't figure that out for themselves. No one is trying to bite anyone. It's funny you're even talking about biting, when MF DOOM stole his image from Marvel Comics. And personally, I think these beats are better than anything DOOM has done lately.

Anonymous said...

The one good beat tape compared to all the other trash you post, this site fell off.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous above...
Stop being such a dam hater.... What the hell are you talking about... This site is a blessing. Your an ungrateful piece of shit

Dirty South Beats said...

All rappers who are tired of wack ass beats like this holla at me.

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