Friday, September 16, 2011

khaderbai - krüml no​.​01 - d'schildchrodd

Long time no post from me. But this time I need to point all of your heads to this guy from my neck of the woods.

Khaderbai is a guy who calls himself "a rather private beatmaker from Zurich" (Switzerland). And perfectly in line with his modesty and self-effacement he named his first release "d'schildchrodd" (the turtle). Some people with 10 times the ego and budget deliver debuts not even half as good. But this first release of his "krüml" (crumbs) series is quite the dopeness. I won't lose a lot of words, cos once you've peeped the video as an appetizer you'll probably agree with my 6-year-old son catching me play it and shout "das isch cooli Musig!" (take a wild guess what that meant.)

And here's the stupid part: you download his full album and pick your own price. Well-made music is supposed to be worth more than a pack of gum. So show some dignity and respect, will you?

Bandcamp: khaderbai - krüml no​.​01 - d'schildchrodd


osenboz said...

there are always alot of great tunes to find here...

eddieL said...

mad album! thanks for the post. . . ordering the CD real soon~

digitalmarley said...

Damn! Its the Swiss Freddie Joachim! Great stuff, love September and Wintertime. Graet jazzy beats, wicked melodies and samples. Top notch stuff, thanks for sharing.

Fashion For Physic said...
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Adsens Account said...
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Rubab said...
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Cooking Perfect said...
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Anonymous said...

@digitalmarley how can you compare this cat to Freddie Joachim. This dude sounds nothing like the great Joachim. Double check yourself before you make a careless comparison.

Anonymous said...

Looks like we caught the spam train.


DigitalMarley said...

in the immortal words of the big lebowski...thats just like your opinion maaan

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