Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Havoc Softener - Music Maker



Anonymous said...

wow. this is the illest free shit i've heard on this site since jenova 7s dusted jazz's 1 and 2. bout to look this cat up. thanks for fillin up mmy ipod

Anonymous said...

Lo-fi goodies, couple of dope tracks...but some of his patterns need work...wtf happened on "Romeo & Beretta"? He was goin for a Doom sound on "Cherry Blossoms"...but you need to speed that up a little

Gotta love the name Havoc Softener tho lmao

Havoc Softener said...

thanks for listening and posting, an on my bday no less! #score

Anonymous said...

Yo Mr. Softener...If you read this, do me a favor man...Can you re-do "Suite No. 3" from your Evergreen album...If the drums/hook were timed properly, that shit would be the dopest Dear Prudence flip I ever did hear....

Havoc Softener said...

lol its a pretty old song I did but its not the dear prudence sample though ;)

Anonymous said...

first comment says "free" but i'm seein' $7.00....damn

Anonymous said...

Glad I DL'd this before he jacked the price up like crazy. I respect the work on this joint but 7 bucks for beats that aren't synced properly is kinda crazy.

Havoc Softener said...

It will be free again on july 7th i think, maxed out the downloads for the month sorry

Havoc Softener said...

Free again!

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