Friday, November 24, 2006

Pelican City - The Chilling Effect

1. Over From the Start (Intro/Outro)
2. The City
3. The Bleeding Fader
4. Still Alone
5. The Search
6. The Fool (Neutral Milk Hotel)A Pelican City Experiment
7. Danger's Theme Part I
8. Danger's Theme Part II
9. Calling the Birds
10. The Chase
11. Come On Air (Wunderkind) A Pelican City Experiment
12. The Bedroom
13. The Rainstorm
14. The End of Life
15. An Exodus

If you liked the first installment of Pelican City from Espionage, then I HIGHLY recommend you pick this up. It's not as dope as Rhode Island, in my opinion, but it's right there. Some of Danger Mouse's best work. Don't sleep on this...


Seven Leaf said...

Oh, my God. You are king

Anonymous said...

amazing. simple, austere, well-constructed, melancholy beats. almost every track is brilliant.

these aren't just your everyday trip-hop which ends up gloomy, repetitive and boring.

a fitting word for the way these haunting, evocative beats have been put together is 'orchestration'.

great, cinematic beats to drive to, ride public transportation, or spend a contemplative night in with.

an outstanding achievement in instrumental hiphop.

Pelican Products said...

All I gotta say is Grrrreat playlist! Just the other day I saw the movie Nick & Nora's infinite playlist and it was exhilarating.. I myself really know music I can say quite well, and whenever I make my music mix CD I try to put effort into making the playlist in the right order because to me the order is of what song goes in what place is really crucial.. Some small amount of people may not agree with me but many do agree and for those who don't believe just try and see how well it comes out when you try to make it in a 'correct' order :) Enjoy! But just want to leave off at saying you have a great playlist!

Anonymous said...

thaaaaaaank you

the sexual said...

What exactly you're writing is a horrible mistake.

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