Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Sup Again Fam... Some more Bangin Beat's from Panik for your domes to enjoy. What can I say, nothin but ill classic shit here. One thing to mention, listen to the difference between Vol.10 & Vol.11, like the sample difference. As I post Vol.12 & 13 later you'll hear a Noticeable difference in sound. It's like he started using a different sample library, or switched from MPC to computer or some shit... You'll have to hear Vol.12 & 13 to know what I'm sayin fully, but there's definately a difference. I prefer Vol.10 and earlier, they have a more dusty sound, whereas Vol.11-13 have a more sharp/commercial sound. Post some comments, if you prefer older to newer. Peace...

Panik Vol.10 Inst.
(36 Beats)

Panik Vol.11 Inst.
(28 Beats)

1 comment:

rednucleus said...

Nawledge...Ive been on this site for a few weeks. Im a cat that listens to beats and instrumentals on the regular - Ive heard of Molemen, but never Panik - sick posts

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