Wednesday, January 03, 2007


MUTHAFUCKA... Lemme jus say one thing right quick: NO INTERNET FOR A MONTH WILL FUCK YOUR HEAD UP! haaa, jus playin. But Fa Real, this pointless online business has really become a staple of our daily lives. I've been on a ski trip since this time last month and the middle of nowhere resort I was stayin at had their internet all busted the entire time I was there. It was fucking with their business big time, and it fucked mine too... It's all good though, the Net break was pretty dope actually... ANYWAY, jus want to say sorry for my lack of posts and I hope y'all haven't been bitin ya nails waitin for Molemen. Looks like there's been plenty of dope posts in the meantime... Aight, well back to it. This time around I present to you: PNS. My favorite Molemen producer, easily the most versatile out of the 3. This is a double disc of Beats, ... More on the way soon. PEACE.

PNS - 12 Bit Soul

Vol. 1 ---

Vol. 2 ---

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any chance of a re-up? Thanks

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