Sunday, January 14, 2007

Thes One - Lifestyle Marketing

If y'all are frequent visitor's of Bossplayer's page then I'm sure that you got this over there. So I have to give props to Arnie for this one. This disc needs some coverage though, it is DOPE. Set for release sometime in '07, Thes One comes thru on his highly anticipated Full Inst. release. I've had this shit on repeat since I got it... I think PUTS should do a collabo joint where Thes does beats for Double K and Double does beats for Thes, and then make 'em like separate albums... Just an idea. Either way, leave some comments on this one if ya want. Peace.

01. Gate City Savings And Loan
02. Northwestern Bell
03. Target
04. Hy - Vee
05. F&F Daily C
06. Hart Ski
07. Grainbelt Beer
08. Bobcat
09. Cheetah
10. GBX Malt Liqour
11. Crystal Sugar
12. Northwestern Bell 2
13. Pan-Am 1
14. Pan-Am 2
15. Outro


Anonymous said...

Now that is the SHIT!!!

Impressive drop, very impressive drop.

Unknown said...

tinkygirl@please please reup this album to sharebee..

thanks a lot... such a cool blog you have here!

Unknown said...

nice blog, respect..been looking for those molemen instrumentals en this one...dawwm..too bad Stepfather didn't had more of these beats..ILL!!

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The author is absolutely right, and there is no question.

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