Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ugly Duckling - Bang For The Buck Instrumentals (2006)

Ugly Duckling - Bang For The Buck Instrumentals (2006)

A1 Bang For The Buck
A2 Yudee!
A3 The Breakdown

B1 Left Behind
B2 Smack
B3 Einstein's On Stage

C1 Let It Out
C2 Lower The Boom
C3 Andy Vs Dizzy

D1 Slow The Flow
D2 Shoot Your Shot
D3 The End Of Time

Buy this on WAX

Upped by Swann


Seven Leaf said...

Swann, it's saying that this bang for the buck is actually Oh No's Exodus Into Unheard Rhythms.

But for when you post bang for the buck, "Swann, you're the fuckin' man!"

Andyman187 said...

I would love to get my hands on the Journey to Anywhere Instrumentals. That shit is classic.

Swann said...


@seven - werd

@andy wish I could find that ish too...

Anonymous said...

please re-post

Anonymous said...

who can re upload??

Anonymous said...

Can someone PLEASE re-post?

Anonymous said...

New links:

Anonymous said...

New links:!download|758|3282450892|Bang_For_The_Buck__Instrumentals_.rar

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