Saturday, April 12, 2008

Dday One - Heavy Migration

We got another little gem here... Posted it in the C-Box, but it's too fuckin dope to be missed up. Dday One, out of Los Angeles, this guy is on some Heavy Beat-Making shit. Real Layered altering Beats throughout each track, alot of work put in here. I HIGHLY recommend it, Seriously, don't miss out on this piece. Everybody should head over to the Blog where I originally picked it up from and give 'em some props, they've been puttin up a lot of good shit lately.

Highing Fly Blogspot

Dday One - Heavy Migration << Password = flyhigh


Elijah Gregory said...

These posts are few and far between, and for good reason. We are treading a thin line here. That being said, this is incredible music!@#@ Music makes the world go 'round! Thanks to the producers who created these beats, and yes, most of these guys are now my 'friends'. =D

Seven Leaf said...

Nawl, goddamn, you did it again. You have a skill at finding definitive music. Your digging skills crush mine. That Dday shit is beautiful, "At the Village Gate" is masterful. You're setting my music up for the summer; I'm gonna burn hundreds of blunts in your name. I'm still bumping "Book of Nawledge"

Seven Leaf said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

Thanks for this article, really worthwhile material.

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