Thursday, May 08, 2008

Mr. Green Winter Sampler [2008]

If you've never heard of this cat before you obviously haven't been checking for Pacewon lately. Dude hooked up with the former Outsidaz representative to make an album called The Only Color That Matters Is Green (dropping on March 23rd). There are a couple tracks from the album up on their myspace which you should definitely peep to get an ear for the guys sound. Definitely don't sleep on this.

Mr. Green Winter Sampler [2008]

1. I Want It All
2. Larger Than Life
3. Yeah
4. Anthem
5. missing
6. The Basement
7. Pushin To The Top
8. Life or Death
9. Victorious
10. Sparticus


When I did my interview with him over at my blog he told me a lot of these beats have been purchased already. There will be a Summer Beat Sampler in June so hold tight if you're looking to purchase some. Email/Myspace him if you're looking to buy, dude is really cool peoples.

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