Thursday, May 22, 2008

Small Pro - Crookyln Gangstrumentals

Hopefully, most of you are familiar with Small Pro by now. He has remixed numerous projects, and made a remix version of Jay-Z's "American Gangster" (Crooklyn Gangster) to critical acclaim on the "blog circuit", if you will, and some even believe it's better than the original.

1. Intro
2. Pray
3. American Dreamin'
4. Hello Brooklyn
5. No Hook
6. Roc Boys
7. Sweet
8. I Know
9. Party Life
10. Ignorant Shit
11. Say Hello
12. Success
13. Fallen
14. Blue Magic
15. American Gangster

Grab the instrumental version here.


Anonymous said...

lol... critical acclaim? one page on the internet is no critical acclaim..

it's odd too. he didn't even come up with his own drum patterns... he copied the patterns that the original songs had... that's interesting but not much of a REMIX more like a RE-sample over the same drum patterns(not same drums.. but the PLACEMENT of the drums!)...

anyway, i love beats, but it's FUNNY to read something like his project had critical acclaim...

you can't even google the guy and come up with more than ONE write up

Anonymous said...

well...critical acclaim makes it sound better...but it got well received on the "blog circuit" if you will.

beats are dope though.

Anonymous said...

i dont think is the right one? The tracklisting says this got 15 yet I only got 12 from downloading the shit and all the name were different.

Small Pro said...

oh snap, i have HATERS? (well, one) son that's better than having people tellin me my beats are dope! thanks 'Anonymous', but for the record:

1. one glance on my myspace page would show you that i got more than one writeup about crooklyn gangster; maybe you should try google again? by my estimate my ish was covered on at least 5 sites; not to say that's 'critical acclaim', but that's more than the ONE you're talking about

2. you couldn't have actually listened to all the blue magic drums are the same pattern as the og? remix pray drum pattern = og pray drum pattern? on american gangster they switched back and forth between regular 4/4 and a almost 6/8 pattern on 'no hook'? word? i'll give you 'american dreamin' and 'ignorant shit' (and the latter is a stretch) but c'mon this 'he didnt even come up with his own drum pattern' bs is audacious

Trystesire said...

I really like your productions
This is one of my favorite album
downloaded here.

Keep on
Merci ! ^^

0ptimus said...

in my opinion id hav 2 say this is definetly better than the original.

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