Monday, November 17, 2008

Ronald Jenkees

This dude is FUCKIN LEGIT.

Ronald Jenkees - Derty

Ronald Jenkees - YouTube Recordings

Ronald Jenkees - Main Site

Ronald Jenkees - YouTube

Ronald Jenkees - Myspace


Anonymous said...

Great post nawledge!!! Thx for hittin' us up with sound like this! Very appreciate your effort! Peace

Eric Nord said...

yes, the video is ill... great keys player! so i was expecting some shadow/rjd2 type funk-rock stuff.

...but the production on Derty seemed like retreads of mainstream beats.

Anonymous said...

this is faggoty shit... keep this shit off SB please.. make a new blog for all the pop and myspace mixtape making goobers... jesus christ this site has mostly turned to shitt... :/

i don't give a fuck what you think about my opinion dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

it's weird half of the o.g. posters, exclusing seven leaf, have turned stupid and think this is a different blog then they started posting on... some either needs to BEAT thier ass, pun intended or they just need to be removed as contributors...

contributing involves DOPE beats... not top 40, techno, POST that are ALL over the other blogs... faggots i swear.

the whole point of a dope blog is to get stuff you can't really find else where... the whole idea of this blog is to post beats made by PROFESSIONALS... what they fuck is wrong with some of you i do not know.

-eat a dick

Anonymous said...

good stuff

Anonymous said...

and I'd just like to add that some of yall take this shit WAY TOO SERIOUSLY...

Anonymous said...

Wow, why do these commentors even care? If you don't like it, just ignore it. Nobody is forcing you to fuckin click on the links to listen. Just go someplace else if you don't like it.

btw, thanks for the posts contributors.

Eric Nord said...

First of all, let me say how much this site means to me. Hands down, this is the best hip hop blog. Still. But I think most of us can agree that Strictly Beats is slowly and steadily shifting toward unknown artists and lower quality beats.

I would like to suggest that we are not helping unknown artists by posting more demos than most of us can listen to in a single visit to the site. We are hurting them by making it harder for people both to find and listen to them. More is not necessarily better.

Personally, I believe that the Strictly Beats "team" should employ some sort of quality control, whether it be a Super Admin or just good old fashioned consensus.

I definitely have a grip of instrumentals that could be contributed to Strictly Beats at some point. But I have no desire to share with a site that has no quality control and no leadership.


Anonymous said...

The amount of disrespect going around in this site is incredible. You guys should just get rid of the c-box and disable comments. Some people come on here demanding stuff without sharing anything themsleves. I think the site is great the way it is. If you dont like something that is being posted dont listen to it. There is something on here for everyone. The music is free so why complain. I fail to understand the false sense of Entitlement that most of the punks that come on here bitching exhibit. True men do not conduct themselves like that.

Bloggin' the Mound. said...

What's with all the pissin' and moaning around here? Don't like the shit? MOVE THE FUCK ON. It's REAL EASY. .....whiney ma'fuckers. SHEESH.

Eric Nord said...

@pinga... turn off c-box and comments??? uh, seems a bit reactionary, no?

How about someone make a post about this issue, and conduct a simple, informal poll of visitors. It could be simple, like...

"Do you approve of the current state of Strictly Beats?"

"Would you like to see any changes made?"

I'm not trying to attack anyone or stir the pot. I just want to see how other people feel. I am not so arrogant that I would deny other people's right to an opinion (and the ability to express it).

This would be a good civilized way to address this issue and help end the "complaining".

Anonymous said...


Good try but I dont think the complaining will ever end. Apparently you cant make everyone happy. People will always find something to complain about. I cant remeber who said it in one of their post "people should be greatful that this site even exists". I agree with that statement to the fullest. At the end of the day guys/girls(contributors) are not getting paid to do this. They do it for the love of music. I say enough is enough! Get rid of the c-box and disble comments. I am happy as long as they dont post stuff like Souljah Boy, LMAO!

Hater K!


djespionage said...

if you're going to bother to defend the integrity of this blog (as someone who possesses superior insight into its nature and purpose), some suggestions:

- tack a name to your comment(s)
- vague criticisms of taste (e.g. "myspace producers") aren't useful

this blog began as a repository of instrumental versions of hip-hop albums; the initial posts focused on straight hip-hop ("professionals"), that was the point. within those constraints, there wasn't much 'quality control'; it was more about genre (i.e. instrumental hip-hop) than quality.

over time, the site attracted heads with more underground taste, so when something like lil' wayne instrumentals would go up, shit talking would commence. i'm 90's-centric and don't give a fuck about most of this decade's mainstream production, but it fits the genre (instrumental hip-hop).

with new contributors, less ground to cover, and heads with a taste for downtempo production (i.e. the Shadow template) came a slew of traditional and more experimental downtempo's a different direction, sure, but fits with the expansion of hip-hop-based production in general.

you can argue about quality control for these producers, but that's taste. contributors post what they feel, and if you find a contributor's taste in obscure producers to be weak, well, leave their post(s) alone. it's pretty simple, actually. costs you no money or time.

finally, if no one is posting material you feel, and you've got examples to prove it -- SHARE! the contributors here bother because they love this genre, and presumably you do's not an exclusive club (with any benefits), it's charity, so fucking be a force for some good art.

(end of rant)

Eric Nord said...

My name is Eric, and I am a beat addict.

Thank you for the responses.

I think espionage gave a good overview and it definitely filled some gaps in my knowledge.
I would say "repository" is the accurate term.

Yes, I have instrumentals... but I'm just not motivated to contribute. It's not a selfish thing... I'm a HEAVY blogger. But I'm all about birds-of-a-feather. I don't want to put work into a scene that I think is going in the wrong direction. I mean, most of this new stuff I just don't like, so why would I want to be involved? But espionage already covered that...


nosleep333 said...

Wow, Im afraid to even post anything due to the amazing lack of appreciation for new sound. Yeah, the guys influences include Timbaland, who cares? He's dope on the keys and I think if you listen to "music" in general you can appreciate anything. These are beats, whether or not you like them is your opinion but remember, the world exists outside of your own little box.

Eric Nord said...


So is there any music you don't like?

Anonymous said...

I think this blog should uphold it's name, Striclty Beats, There's a lot of stuff posted in earlier years that I really want but the links don't work anymore.

I want Percee P instrumentals, Fat Jon, RZA, Madlib, J-Dilla, Beatnuts, Nujabes, Bronze Nazareth.

Producers that have their sound down, or are established.

Some unknown artists posts are good as long as the beats are good and the beats have good quality and potential.

Sometimes I give them a chance and the beats aren't so good....

Anonymous said...

Its funny how people complain about free shit. If yall wanna complain start your own site and do all this work to give people free shit so we can go to your site and complain about how you conduct the way you give us free shit.

If you can't do it and do it better shut the fuck up!!!!

Anyway thanks for all your hard work strictly.

Eric Nord said...


Are there any hip hop instrumentals you wouldn't post here?

Eric Nord said...

I'm not trying to antagonize or complain. I actually feel bad that people are upset over this.

I'm trying to provide constructive criticism. Right now, this place is total anarchy. And what would you expect with so many contributors and no guidelines or leadership?

Anonymous said...

obviously people are upset that strictly beats has lost their "ultra dope" status.. and i can see why people are mad...

people expect to come here and find dope shit. lately there have been massive post, and not one of the albums are even half good.
that is just my humble opinion. im sure there are other people out there who appreciate these new sounds..

dont mind the haters. post what you feel is strictly beats worthy. ill continue to drop my opinions about em.

Anonymous said...

I think that one dude Pinga_Grande is right. The only way to stop all the hate and disrespect is to kill the c-box and disable the comments option. Its drastic but I feel as though that is the only alternative to getting all of the negativity away from this incredible site. I hope you guys seriously consder that option. By the way do you all know what Pinga_Grande means? LMAO!

Anonymous said...

This dude is dope, but nawledge is gay so go suck the other girls dick she wants it.

Eric Nord said...

@anonymous and others...

The irony here is that the comments and c-box are free and you don't have to read them.

Anonymous said...

This site posts so much instrumentals that my head explodes because I'll give it all a chance. Alot of it sucks and some of it grows on you and some of it is dope out the gate.

But them posting everything is no different than the movie sites I go to that posts bullshit movies along with the good ones.

I won't be happy until I get the ghostface winter warz beat and LL cool J going back to cali. I need those so bad

thanks stricly

fl0wcell said...

that vid is a break in the monotony of simplistic sequencing of samples. the guy is actually playing the keys, how many producers are doing that?
Cloud sure isn't

Anonymous said...

I like hats.

Anonymous said...

dont flame as an anonymous poster dickwad.....


Anonymous said...

Here is the New Ronald Jenkees Music Video "Loui"



Anonymous said...

most amazing shit i've ever heard or seen. WOW!!!!

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