Saturday, January 17, 2009

EGADZ! Best Of 2008 & TEXAS.

Word people. A little late, was trying to get this post a little closer to the New Year but things got delayed a bit. I'm going to start things off with this Best Of mix. The majority of the tracks are from '08, but it's mainly just a bulk of shit I've been listening to. A whole bunch of random shit, something for everybody... Check it out, leave a comment. Ebert & Roeper Muthafuckas.

Welcome to 2009.
Best Of 2008

Alright, onto the more "Texas" part of the post... All of the remaining artists are holdin it down hard in the Lone Star. Except for the Egadz at the bottom, but we'll get to that. Anyway, I never thought that I would be Loving music from Texas so much, a few years ago at least. But Leaf was the first collaboration that got me looking at Texas in a serious way. That shit opened my head. So, here is some stuff from the new album.

BUT, I'm not going to post the full album. This dude works 2 jobs just to support his music, which is highly underrated & unrecognized. He needs support back and we all should at least purchase a digital-download from his website. Only $9.99 people... So, I'll leave you with this: The best 5 tracks from the album, in my opinion. Let us know what you think.
Leaf - Rooted From Within (Top 5)

Leaf - Website

So, I think everybody was feeling that Aether album that I posted up a bit back, well AM Architect is Aether (Diego Chavez) + Daniel Stanush, another dope producer. This is a little EP of shit I snagged from their Myspace. Don't worry, it's pretty good quality. This shit is dope...
A.M. Architect - EP

Cool, onto some E.Gonzales shit. This dude is dope, some really cool stuff on both. I can't really say too much about it, just that everybody should check it out and support. Dude's got kids...
Ernest Gonzales - Chasing The Sun EP

Ernest Gonzales - While On Saturn's Rings

Alright, last but DEFINITELY not least, is DJ Egadz. Keeping things Hot in San Francisco. I knew nothing until Bossplayer dropped the knowledge. This link is from that Blog, all praise go there. I guess this shit came out in 2002, and I wish I would have known about it then because this would have been dope to have rollin through those years... Hot stuff on here, reminds me of Pelican City, a bit more electronic though. I think everybody will enjoy.

** DAMN! As I was posting this, the link got taken down! Shit. I guess hit up your iTunes and BUY that shit. Along with his new stuff too. It Is Worth Every Penny. **
DJ Egadz - Monotony (2002)

Peep this vid to see the fire...

Alright. There you go. I'll try and get some more heaters comin up soon. Stay Tuned People.



Anonymous said...

why do you guys keep disrespecting stone throw? and dj espianoge, they both asked NOT to have stone throws/ madlib beats posted:/ come on

jeffro said...

crazy album cover for the LEAF album. shit looks sick

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Check this page
5 DJ Egadz's albums inside

Keep in touch

nawledge said...


Damn, I followed that link and that site is all in Russian or some shit I can't read. I tried to navigate, but can't figure shit out.

Could you maybe post some direct links here in the comments? I'd appreciate it, I'd really like to see if there are any albums that I don't have in there. I'm really looking for "Cardboard Box" from him.

I'll appreciate anything you can do homie. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Yes you are right it is Russian web site, but you can change the preferences, at the right side you will see two flags one Russian and another Britain, just click on it, second step registration and then follow my previous link.

I appreciate what you doing, this is link for Cardboard Box uploaded by my homie GOGA from

nawledge said...


And for everybody else that is paying attention, here are the GOODS. Get 'em quick because I don't know how long they will be up for.

Egadz Discography:

Cardboard Box:



Pushing Buttons EP:

Sad Music Makes Me Happy:

Shining Hours:


Anonymous said...

i have so much to learn. i've only began to listen and most of this is dope. I did have a question though. WHo designed that 2009 image at the top of the post? I can't read the url and it's dope also. just curious

KidWithoutRadio said...

Egadz is on tour, go to for more info.

Thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

all the links are dead except cardboard anyone got any fresh links?

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I appreciate what you doing, this is link for Cardboard Box uploaded by my homie GOGA from Texas

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You left me impressed, the album is awesome. You definitely put in there the best songs that you find, and I completely agree with you election.

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