Saturday, March 07, 2009

Blue Sky Black Death - The Evil Jeanius Instrumentals

01. Shadows Forever
02. Ahead Of The Game
03. Strikes
04. Threats
05. A Way With Me
06. Even On Your Best Day
07. Take It Back
08. Lights Out
09. Nobody'll Do It For You
10. It's Still A Love Song

Update: on no post list. BALEETED


Anonymous said...

This is a very good one. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hey, the first track's first loop seems to coming from this one:

Am I right?

Anonymous said...

Nice find Balazs. I think you're right. I love it when I can pick out obscure samples/loops

Anonymous said...

very different sound, but hard to get into though. may take a few listens. so far "A Way With Me" seems to be good, good obscure samples but can get repetitive at times feels incomplete, I guess they made these beats to rap too.

Anonymous said...

that's it. my favorite tracks are 5, 7, 8, 10 (track 7 sounds the most complete but track 10 comes a close second)

but overall a great listen.

Antonio said...

I do not comment very often (my bad), but thanks.
Your work is really appreciated.

jeffro said...

good post

d hill said...

Thanks much! This particular drop sounds very promising.

d hill said...

I appreciate the beatmaker's ability to compose various tracks but this cd, I must say after due consideration, isn't good. If we live long enough, maybe I'll take a liking in the author's next instrumental drop. Who knows?

Peace, by all means

Anonymous said...

but beats the pants off any kanye/9th wonder/j dilla/premo wannabe if they used the same sample.

only real faults is the existing chorus/hooks (Even On Your Best Day) which should have been removed!

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