Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SRMD - Strictly Nstrmntl (2007)

(I thought there'd been a post already, but since I couldn't find it, here I go - again.)

Fans of Dilated needn't be introduced to Joey Chávez, the drummer and producer of countless tracks for Dilated as well as Ev's solo joints. Teaming up with Bravo to form Sid Roams, they keep bringing the beats for the likes of Prodigy, Evidence, Agallah, Infamous Mobb and many more.

01. Intro - S.R. Anthem
02. In The Smash
03. Who We Ride For
04. Fly High
05. Mr. Slow Flow
06. Haterz Hotline
07. Montage
08. Go Ahead
09. Sound Mission
10. Believe In Me
11. Bringin' That Heat
12. Fever In The City
13. Dipped El Dorado
14. Trapped In
15. Euro Tour
16. What's Real
17. Fine Wine
18. Streetz Of NY
19. Cry Baby
20. Real Breezy's

SRMD - Strictly Nstrmntl (2007)

Enjoy, 9@home


Anonymous said...

Fuckin' SHIT album, got me mad vexed!
Espiv you cunt!!!

Anonymous said...

Yer espiv u crazy wack fa dis 1 nigga

9@home said...

Did Espiv make these beats or what?
I'm actually a bit underwhelmed myself. Some of them are pretty good, the rest is some bland shit.
Joey Chavez used to make some simple, but catchy beats. I wonder if it was Bravo's idea to churn out this collection of samey beats.
Look at it as just another post in a long series. Completists, get it. Or get it to judge for yourself. But no need to get all heated about one post.

Abominable said...

Damn anonymous cats criticize way too much. This album is pretty koo not great but it has beats I can definitely flow to. Thanks for postin it up. Oh and FUCK DA HATAZ! hahaha good shit...

Big JJ said...

These beats are real dope to me.

Eric Nord said...

"In The Smash" is dope. The rest are kinda meh. Competent. Not terrible, but still meh.

www.myspace.com/ramcompany said...

"fly high" is dope

Anonymous said...

can you re-upload this please?

Ιωάννης Σ. said...

Can you please reupload sir?

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