Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sound Scientists - Instrumentally Sound (2009)

In case you missed this release over the last few months:

Nice sample selection, good movement/layering, strong drum programming: highly recommended.
Personal favorites: "Evil Violin", "It's Ova", "Life Is Easily Taken"

For additional info, mirrors, multimedia: here


Anonymous said...

This one was so *yawn* and generic, it hurt to know someone thought this was firewater...but I always peep with high hopes....thx anyway!

Anonymous said...

i second what that guy said. snore...

Anonymous said...

some of those beats actually are very good

Anonymous said...

thanks for the upload man, its always appreciated

and anyone who uses the fraise "so yawn" is so gay

Anonymous said...

'and anyone who uses the phrase "so yawn" is so gay'

so true

Anonymous said...

far from generic, this album was a nice surprise and has been in constant rotation for a few months now

thanks for the upload!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who says slick shit while ANONYMOUS is straight puss....

You're probably the cat who made this wack ass beat tape.....

Anonymous said...

I swear....It's like when some of you internet cats hear some violin strings over uptempo drums, it's automatically some sophisticated shit.....Gimme a fuckin break!!!

Anonymous said...

I made comment nr. 3

got this a few months ago and i am still listening to it, it's fucking fantastic to be honest, i love it and definitely want to hear more like this

Anonymous said...

I didn't think this was anything special when I first downloaded it, but after listening to it for a few months, it's become one of my favorite instrumental albums (top 10).

sildenafil said...

I figure out this album was really good since its fist release, because that's what people says, specially because it's instrumental and I love it.m10m

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