Tuesday, November 17, 2009

K-Murdock's "Breaks, Rhythms & Loops"

Peace y'all, I just wanted to bring to your attention this new instro album im droppin' independently next month!  Its a 12 track project that i'll be selling both digitally and via cd format.  I know the majority of stuff posted on SB is for FREE download, but i figured i'd at least let you all know about this since i have posted my fair share of free stuff up and will continue to do so moving ahead. Initially, I'm only pressin' up 100 cd copies, which will also contain a bonus track, so make sure u get ya pre-order in HERE!  I'll be playing some tracks from the album tomorrow night, 9pm EST, on my U-Stream show: "Neo-sonix".  As always, i appreciate the support!



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

album finnah b dope. k murdock the shiznit!!!

Benny Needles said...

So you post EVERYBODY ELSE'S MUSIC FOR FREE but want people to BUY YOUR MUSIC???? As a part owner in a record label who's product you have posted, I find this to be very hypocritical! I didn't want to make a big deal about posting my label's stuff because it's just the nature of things nowadays but I had to comment on this. Good luck to you and your projects, hypocrite!

Unknown said...

benny; you're an idiot. i don't see K making posts in here posting other peoples shit for free; he only posts his own stuff; usually for free.

get your facts straight before you fly off the handle.

also, any album i download that is dope, i buy. he has the full thing up to stream and listen for free, and i was feelin it, so i bought it. same goes for anything else posted in here that i think is good, possibly even including some work under your 'record label' if that is even true.

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