Thursday, February 11, 2010

BPM Increased!

So, I've heard things like, "WTF happened to Strictly Beats?!", "Post up that new ish!", or "Who are these Weirdo producer's?" circulating around the C-Box as of late, and I think I've got something here to kill 2 birds with one stone, so to speak... Basically, at this point, all us poster's have pretty much used up our stock of instrumentals that we were initially just sitting on. I know I've gone through most of my good stuff, and now it's just random tracks here & there, or new albums that are dope, which I myself won't post up. We're covering the new myspace producer's popping up, that the other contributor's feel are dope, along with the occasional mainstream release that makes the ear feel right too. I try to maintain a more ecclectic & off the beaten path sound, along with the occasional mixes I drop. At this point it's really few & far between for me, I haven't heard too much new stuff that grabs me, and the stuff that does is from artists I really appreciate, and won't post up unless they post it up themselves, or we have permission... Plus, there are a LOT less instrumental releases dropping each month, compared to regular albums, and most of what I hear, to me at least, is like 70/30 wack 2 dope. So, it's like trying to serve a big restaurant with extremely limited ingredients, & menu options. If ya feel me on that... We'll continue to post the stuff we like, but bear in mind that our options are getting less & less, etc.

With that said, I'm going to bring something NEW to the table with this following mix! Now, don't plan on this being a recurring thing from me, I just wanted something fresh for your ears. This mix contains nothing but full-on, flat-out club style techno bangers! If y'all like partying/dancing/clubbing out, then this mix is for you. As time goes on, the stereotype's of music fade away, and I notice more & more artists dropping multi-genre styles of sound, and that's what I'm listening to. I know some of you will say, "Get this rave-binky-mouthed-ecstacy-glow-shit out of here!" & I'll appreciate that and want to hear any other comment! Haha... Here is a track for preview from the mix, & expect the rest of it to sound like this also. ENJOY!

BPM Increased
BPM Increased << Alt. Mediafire Link

Alright, to slow things down a little bit, I'm going to bring something REALLY fresh from DDay One, along with the new euro beat-squad, "The Q4", straight out of The Netherlands. The Q4 have actually been around for a minute, since 2005 they started as a 4-man crew, but now are slimmed down to 3. Arts The Beatdoctor, Sense, and STW are who make up the group, and their sound is really dope. On par with other dutch producer's, they really remind me of 40 Winks, etc... They recently released "Sound Surroundings" (which you can find, if you dig for a bit) and I'm going to post up the snippet's for that here. DDay One just dropped a new mix, and the first track was a remix he did for the Q4, I've got that for you also. Track the full album of "Sound Surroundings" down, it's a really dope listen. Enjoy.

The Q4, "Sound Surroundings" Snippets...

The Q4, "Look Again (Dday One Remix)"...

& Finally, MORE PRETTY LIGHTS! Haha, I'm on a heavy kick with this guy lately, probably at my top spot for fave artist of the moment. So, he did some remixes of "The Final Countdown" by Europe, and "Midnight In A Perfect World" by DJ Shadow for his NYE set in Chicago, just in time for the Ball-Drop from '09 to '10, the timing was impeccable, watch some vid's, and I've got both of those tracks here. They are available on his site, along with another remix of "After Midnight" by JJ Cale (didn't include that though, lyrics...) but they're extended & have a whole bunch of talking & shit. I chopped 'em up & have the quality guts for you here with these following two tracks. Get down with these, and you ALL should get down with this dude while he's on tour, for real, GO SEE HIM LIVE, it was easily the best show I have ever been to, & I already have tickets for 4 more of his show's on the tour. Follow the banner link to see his tour dates & buy early because all these shows WILL SELL OUT!. Enjoy the banger's fam! I'm going to be out for a minute, so until next time, PEACE!!!

"Final Countdown" PL Remix...

"Midnight In A Perfect World" PL Remix...



Anonymous said...

Always appreciated the blog and the posts.

I'm sure you've heard, Google is out for blood with Blogspot MP3 sites... shutting down even well run, single MP3 "will take down if you ask" sites. Not sure what you can do to prevent or sidestep if possible.

jeffro said...

I have to agree with you about the quality and amount of new instrumental music. Its a pretty specialized genre I guess. To me it seems like only like 1/10 new albums is good. There are way too many 'jazzy' beat tapes that don't bring anything new to the table and are boring as f*ck. But when that 1 special album comes to the surface it's worth it. Maybe Blue Sky Black Death will come out with something brilliant this year.

On another note... Rapidshare NEVER works for me and I was wondering if you could upload your BPM mix to a different site. Maybe divshare?

BeatDimensions said...

nothing can stop the future....plze keep posting!!!!!!

nawledge said...


For real my dude, I hate to say it, but I'm basically dl'ing any of these beat-tapes based on their cover art! Haha, "Never judge a book by it's cover" etc... There is just SO MUCH of this shit floating around, and all it does is bore. I pay attention to more non-US artists & will check out their stuff, the trend has been if it's recent & from the US, it's either some busted Dilla attempt or that super-spacey LA heavy bass shit that I don't really feel. I'm REALLY feeling dubstep style stuff, but some of it is borderline...

Anyway, let's hope BSBD drops something soon, I know they've been working hard since Cinema, so let's hope we get more on that same tip. Glen Porter is dropping a new LP in Feb sometime, Matterhorn (Egadz!) is sending his joint out next Tues. & Tycho should probably have a new album for us just in time for Spring/Summer, & I know that will be EPIC. So, patience is virtue at this point, at least for the artists above mentioned, whom of which I'm really feeling right now.

I'll re-up that mix to a new share-site asap homie, check back here in the comments.

djespionage said...

i agree...the time has passed when we could up instrumentals of hip-hop albums all day, or downtempo albums that are 100% thorough.

regardless, there are a shitload of beatmakers out there creating tracks, it's like indie hip-hop in '97. i'd go more extreme on the quality ratio -- 90% weak, 10% solid -- but i listen to pretty much everything i come across.

if you're looking for dope *albums*, good luck -- you've got a small per year. even some producers that are dope fall down and just don't put in the work. playing with loops and dropping simple drums (i.e. beat tapes) is easy, but polishing it to a gem isn't.

if you're looking for dope cuts, it's a different process, one that rewards slogging through the 90% weakness on most albums to find the 10% repeatables. for me it's worth it, and this blog facilitates it by highlighting the albums on which you're more likely to find tracks you'll listen to more than once.

nawledge said...

Espionage alway's coming thru with the proper knowledge. Full Quality albums = dime a dozen. The ability to find the occasional banger within a partially decent album or beat-tape = more than likely. So, if we post it, there's usually going to be something worth listening to, I feel. I've come to know that all of us that post here have all got great ears for what sounds good, and what can be mass-appealing...

& here you go jeffro: (let me know if you have prob's with Mediafire...)

eric said...

this site is dope, will always be dope, keep it up. period.

jeffro said...

thanks for uploading it to mediafire, I appreciate that. Im about to blast it and exercise or something haha. What else are you guys listening to?

for me:
-The new Freeway and Jake One album (some dope beats on there)
-both of those Cold Legistics albums.
-safe in the steep cliffs is still in heavy rotation as well

Anonymous said...

who talkin shit?
this blog is still one of the best out there.
thanks for all the new artists you brought to my ears.
keep on doin what yall doin.
dont think about the haters.

Dweeb said...

this site is awesome! thanks...i really appreciate all you guys put into it

djespionage said...

Q4 was dope. "One of These Days" is another downtempo gem.

@nawledge -- can you shoot me an email? i don't think i have your current contact

generic cialis said...

Get this rave-binky-mouthed-ecstacy-glow-shit out of here!" & I'll appreciate that and want to hear any other comment! Haha... Here is a track for preview from the mix, & expect the rest of it to sound like this also. ENJOY!

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