Thursday, March 25, 2010

Damu The Fudgemunk - How It Should Sound - Promo EP

<a href="">New LP (EP Intro) by Damu The Fudgemunk</a>

This EP features some tracks from How It Should Sound Volumes 1 & 2. H.I.S.S. Vol. 1&2 will be available on April 13th via Redefinition Records.


01 New LP (Ep Intro)
02 Judgement Day
03 Fabreg Discotecas
04 You Know Who!
05 Bills Be Gone
06 Non-LP Bonus -Wonka Beat 3 (2009)


Anonymous said...

Representin DC! Most of the so called "beatmakers" on this site need to take notes when listening to this.

Anonymous said...

Damu is the man! I saw him do his thing in DC at Beat Grinder and he was always on the REAL hip hop vibe.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff! Thanks a lot for posting.

Shane Keaney said...

Looking forward to this one. Damu keeps sounding better and better.

Anonymous said...

this is some quality stuff no doubt but gets a little muddy when the bass lines come in. well put together otherwise. thanks for the post.

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