Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bueller - Grimmy Lullabies

As long as nobody is posting, let me hit you up with some bueller



Anonymous said...

dude, don't be discuraged by lack of posts. I just recently found your blog and felt relived cuz I was looking for some of that real hip hop ish, which is getting harder to find since I now live in Norway.

Anonymous said...

he's right. this stuff is gold. never give up on us heads!

Anonymous said...

this shit is seriously wack.

Anonymous said...

seriously wack??? you wack

Anonymous said...

horrible production, beat is off all the time.. shit snares... cannot even mob to this shit... so weak, so wack.. i dont understand why anyone would enjoy this crap.. but its all good, enjoy it, i will continue to look for that boom bap 90's shit.

Anonymous said...

THat's what we call hating? It's funny how people can destroy someone's work only to calm down their own hostility. As far as I know, you're probably writing this hate comment next to your youporn page drinking coke ALONE in your room depressed by ya sad life. But then you need to vomit it on someone so that it serves you therapy. anonymous is a good way to do it I guess...

but all good

Anonymous said...

If homey said it's wack, then he feels it's wack....Step the fuck off and let the man have his opinion....I love this site, I've found true crack here but also a lot of hyped-up nonsense that niggas feel is fire just cuz it's against the grain....Your description of YouPorn was too detailed, were you looking in the mirror you dun scout? And nah, I don't post anon...

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