Saturday, May 15, 2010

Time For A DROP!

What up Fam?!? It's been a hot minute since I got up on here, & I finally got enough new tracks put together to do a decent post. Just gonna get right into it with TWO dose's from the Book Of Nawledge series. Straight from my ears to yours, you should know what to expect with these by now. Nothing but new joints from: Mux Mool, Bonobo, Damu TFM, Aether, Onra, Mexicans With Guns, FlyLo...


Book Of Nawledge - Vol.VII

Book Of Nawledge - Vol.VIII

Up next we have another compilation put together from yours truly, except for this one consists of all tracks from the same artist, PRETTY LIGHTS! This is a collection of Older/Live/Unreleased stuff, all of these tracks were pulled from recorded live shows & they sound dope. There are a few tracks with Lyrics, but they are bangers & you want them! Feel free to spread the link around with this one people, none of these tracks are available elsewhere broken up into .mp3's like this to my knowledge, & there is some really good stuff on here...

Pretty Lights - Live & Unreleased

So, August 7th, Pretty Lights is headlining Red Rocks Amphitheater just outside of Denver, CO (Got my VIP Tix, am I going to see any of y'all there?!?) & the 2 opener's for the night are Emancipator, & Mimosa. We are all familiar with Emancipator, but there hasn't been much mention of Mimosa thus far over here on SB. Hailed as a Dubstep producer, I feel his sound is a bit higher than that, falling more into the Dubtronic-Electrostep range of things. His sound is a bit more evolved than the average Dubstep producer, in my opinion, and I have really been feeling this noise! Here are his first 2 albums, which are both equally as good. Definite Massive Things, if you know what I'm saying...

Mimosa - Hostilis & Flux For Life

& Last but not least we have a little joint from Arts The Beatdoctor, a member of the Q4 squad, entitled "Transitions" this album dropped back in 2007 (Maybe this was posted already? Can't remember). It has 4 or 5 tracks with lyrics, but all the rest is Instrumental & it is really good. Super dark & layered. The Q4 just dropped a new EP about a week ago titled "Darker Days", and everybody should check that out as it is REALLY good and shouldn't be missed.

Arts The Beatdoctor - Transitions

Alright, that should hold you over for a while! We have a nice little anniversary of sorts coming up here on SB pretty soon, & I have a few ideas kicking around for it, so I'll be laying low until it is time to do the post... Until then, enjoy these tracks & enjoy your lives. Weather is getting good, temperature's are rising, time to get outside & live. PEACE FAM!


Anonymous said...

Appreciate the good drops man. Good stuff for the hears. Much props.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I wish I could go to a pretty lights show!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, It's already HOT in Cali -- looking forward to what you guys have in store.


Anonymous said...

Also, I burn easily so I'll be staying indoors :D

Anonymous said...

great... but how many times do we have to tell you to stop posting damus stuff?

nawledge said...

@ Anonymous: Thanks, I appreciate that y'all appreciate...

@ Bottom Anonymous: It is ONE Single track from his new LP, not the ENTIRE album, which I definitely wouldn't post up. Is that still going to be a problem?? There is a new track from Stones Throw in one of the mixes too, should I add a .99 cent PayPal button to make the download available?!? Do you feel me?... We WON'T post full albums from the labels that have requested us not to, but i WILL include tracks that I like in these mixes that I make (but never more than one, from the requested labels). For listening enjoyability & promotion for the artists in the mix. Most of the tracks have been released elsewhere as single's anyway...

Let me know if it is still a problem & I'll look at making some new mixes. Peace.

JC said...

good stuff. I am excited to take a look at the other BoN mixes you have. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Damu douche, you make damu look like an assfuck, thats not fair man, leave Nawledge alone, he has a well respected ear.

jeffro said...

wow. gotta give ya props for the pretty lights. from what I've heard, mimosa is pretty dope too. I just got a new soundsystem in my truck... I might have to burn a CD or two :)

w00b said...

THANK YOU for the time & effort you put into this! awesome man

Anonymous said...

Word. Mine ears are lovin' the cuts!!


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