Friday, May 28, 2010

Phraim & Tall Black Guy

This is Chicago based producer Phraim's latest project. Proceeds from all of the free downloads will go towards the earthquake relief efforts in Haiti via So, at the very least click and give the album a listen.

Download Phraim - Silver Lined

TBG, is another Chicago based producer. The Hollywired EP contains sounds ranging from electronic, hip hop and ambient. Check it out!

Download Hollyweird

All links courtesy of


Anonymous said...

Silver Lined = very nice. Another dude who knows how to make those mellow beats w/o boring you. Nice find.

buy viagra online said...

Dude I can't play the video, I guess the link is broken or something like that. I'll be so glad if you could do something quickly, because I'm really interested about this stuff.

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