Tuesday, August 24, 2010


<a href="http://famaeightyseven.bandcamp.com/album/other-spectrum">soviet prelude by Fama Eightyseven</a>


Anonymous said...

INCREDIBLE says... let the sleepers sleep. All others, do not deny yourself the crucial headnodic. It's a beautiful sound that will take your mind to distant travels.

Anonymous said...

I found this beat tape very interesting!

Anonymous said...

Hi there from Russia! I was really surprised to find music with Russian words here!) Thanks a lot! By the way, it's awesome!)

Anonymous said...

this is a dope tape i am feelin these cats a lot. laid back but interesting enough to be lovable. good times

Anonymous said...

eee... it's russian guy!

disfrutar del sexo said...

Really effective data, thanks so much for this article.

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