Thursday, August 05, 2010

JaredH - Seasons Of Clarity (2010)

"JaredH is a hip-hop producer from Florida that heavily draws influences from artists such as Nujabes and Michita and frequently samples them as well."



Anonymous said...

Nice songs, but first track ist mostly samurai champloo /Mimi music :P

Anonymous said...

Yo Strictly Beats familia what up! I can't seem to download, it gives me an error when I click the download link on mediafire. Anyone else having this issue? Can anyone upload it elsewhere? Appreciate it!

Dom Corleone said...

My bad, that second anon comment was me. Good looks all!

Anonymous said...

Pretty amateurish. He seems to jack huge chunks of songs from Nujabes rather than being influenced by them. said...

Really useful information, lots of thanks for your post.

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