Monday, August 16, 2010

Something shared by Peggy Payne

click here for a video and editorial

the video is not about sound quality it is to me, to personalize the impression.

I wanted to share her review and words with you all, so here they are.

She's truly a wonderful person and writer, i think many of you would enjoy some of the books she's written and also her blog, so enjoy;)

here's an excerpt from her post

"The crowd was wonderfully multi-cultural and diverse. Directly in front of me for much of the time, was a scrawny young guy in yarmulke with the fringes of his prayer shawl hanging out from under his T-shirt. He danced almost continuously -- and well!--"

I imagine some of you may find some way to turn this post sour in the comment section, so for those that obtain that i want to say thanks a lot for your souring effort because i guess there must be balance.

here is her official website

and here is a few titles of the books she has written.




Doncaster: A legacy of personal style

if you've read any of them then please feel free to give a review.


Peggy Payne said...

Thanks! I'm even open to sour comments. I know how much I don't know about this music.

Anonymous said...

Since day one, Chuck D and Public Enemy has always been INCREDIBLE. Absolutely nothing has changed. They are still INCREDIBLE!!!

Thanks for the footage.

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