Wednesday, September 08, 2010

AbJo - The Art Of Dreaming


Album origianlly hosted over at ZiggaPlease!


beat-ape1 said...

i was gonna post this one tomorrow, Great tape. Shout to the incredible hulk for posting it in the cbox

HRB Fiend said...

Usually if you guys post a tape w/o a preview I either google one or I just don't download it, but AbJo's one of the guys where as soon as see their name I just click the download button. 4/5

Anonymous said...

@HRB Fiend:

I like that. BRAND TRUST!!!

A must download. It's the INCREDIBLE!!!

jcmynt said...

Another batch of goodness from AbJo...d(-_-)b.......vibe out ish

Anonymous said...

I would say this is average.

Anonymous said...

We get it, Anonymous...Your favorite movie is The Incredibles....calm down and learn a new word, man.

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