Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Abnormal - Beats That Would Be Dope For Adult Swim

"4 bonus beats and a bonus beat making video are included with purchase. 2 tracks (6 and 11) are hidden & are included when you purchase the album

Album Concept: I got the idea to do this project from watching a few custom-made bumps on youtube. I always notice that the beat were either dope as hell or not my taste at all. So I decided to switch up a project I was on to do this. The idea behind this was to make chill and slightly different beats. Since Stones Throw supplies the music for Adult Swim I tried to not mimic Dilla or Madlib and have fun while doing so. I got the idea to put pictures to the beats to make the project even more like Adult Swim. Hopefully the people at Adult Swim hear this and post it. Hope that you enjoy the album and again this me doing beats that I'd like to see on Adult Swim not trying to imitate Flying Lotus, Nujabes or anyone who has music that plays on Adult Swim.

Favorite Adult Swim Shows: Boondocks, ATHF, Squidbillies, Robot Chicken, Family Guy re-runs, and all the old stuff like Harvey Birdman and Minoriteam. "

Contact Info: twitter:@abnormalisdope ... less

<a href="">1.Ohs and Ahs by Abnormal</a>


i dunno said...

I dig the concept, but don't sleep on The Venture Bros.

jcmynt said...

If I heard this any of these joints playing on an adult swim bumper, I would turn my tv volume up. I hear several influences, most noticeably on track 12(sounds like a waajeed joint)but thats coo. Overall, i'll add it to my play list.

Anonymous said...

Chill beats. Could see these on Adult Swim.

Anonymous said...

tracks 12 and 13.
those are the only ones i want.


Anonymous said...

This is like underground Hip-Hop...I like!! said...

This cannot have effect in actual fact, that is what I think.

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