Friday, September 10, 2010

Lost In The Shuffle. . .

Alot of these guys are really getting lost in the shuffle, much like talented emcee's, the production ends are all DIY nowadays, so everyones who's ever wanted to claim "producer" can now do so, thus leaving over-saturation and a lot of artists who will have to work just 'that much' harder to get heard in this day and age. Regardless, blogs/websites/live events can bring some light to those in the darkness.

I'm busy as hell with my 'new project" so i've not really been as active (mainly because I like to listen completely through something before I decide to post it). Buuut check it:

I'm Gonna start by saying, buy these 2 projects from two VERY talented and underrated cats - (irony? that i'm posting EQ(elaquent) and EQ(equalibrum), not at all) - They are both equally dope, and equipped to increase their equity through each instrumental they create.

After purchasing the above 2 - check out all of these:

(removed the embeds because they were slowing down the page.)


Anonymous said...

The Panic beat is nice...

Anonymous said...

Duke Hugh's tape is hot. It's so laid back and easy going, and manages to touch up on a lot of genres without sounding cluttered. It feels like a complete album, which is pretty impressive for the guys first release.

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