Monday, September 13, 2010

Teebs - Ardour

My old buddy beat-ape2 just hooked me up with this new brainfeeder release. I am realy lovin these teebs slo-mo-dream beats



Anonymous said...

thanks a bunch for this one!

jade said...

PLease buy the album tho guys , Teebs fucking deserves it

Anonymous said...

AHH Teebs. Been following this producer from the get go, really enjoy his music. Thanks for making this known, has no idea a new tape was out or around. Throwing cash his way for sure. Thanks A lot Beat Ape and your informant, lol. Flow Worthy!

topdogkiller said...

I WANT TO DOWNLOAD IT, but I can't. Teebs deserves my dough I know that this piece is beautiful. SHit im soft on artist nowadays

jon said...

so yeah thing is, it looks like it's not even out 'til the 18th of october! definitely paying him for this joint though.
unless someone knows different.

Anonymous said...

bought the vinyl!! stoked brah

Anonymous said...

I didn't buy shit. But I appreciate the freebee....This is some next level chill shit...but the melodies are actually interesting unlike the rest of you niggas with your mediocre jazzy-ass elevator music beats! Thanks Teebs!

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